砂漠化。Can we stop desertification 171119(日)

【衝撃】サハラ砂漠の真実に世界が震えた! ネスプちゃんねる 視聴回数 99,191 回 2017/11/12 に公開。緑豊かな土地がなぜ砂漠化したのか・・・


アフリカに 何度か通った。砂漠化は アフリカ、ゴビ砂漠・中国、アメリカ、もちろんオーストラリア、南米でも、地球の3分の2の地域で砂漠化が進行している。なんとか 止められないか? 植林活動は長年か応援してきて、タイでもケニアでも、少し手伝っていたので 気になる大きな問題だ。もう一度 真剣に考えてみよう。

★興味深い映像を見つけた。サハラ砂漠は なぜ 出来たのか?

How The Sahara Desert Was Made – It Used To Be Green – Full Documentary

2017/07/20 に公開

Some scientists believe ancient farming caused the Sahara to dry up. A new study suggests that the desertification of Sahara started about 7 million years ago, at least four million years earlier than previously thought. However, the widely-held belief is that the Sahara dried up due to a change in the Earth’s orbit, which affects solar insolation, or the amount of electromagnetic energy the Earth receives from the Sun. In simpler terms, insolation refers to the amount of sunlight shining down on a particular area at a certain time, and depends on factors such as the geographic location, time of day, season, landscape and local weather. Changes in the Earth’s tilt cause changes in weather patterns. Such a change is believed to have made the “Green Sahara” go dry.
Climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, explained that around 8,000 years ago, the

Earth’s orbit was slightly different to how it is today. The tilt changed from around 24.1 degrees to the present-day 23.5 degrees.
“Additionally, the Earth had its closest approach to the Sun in the northern hemisphere (with) summer in August,” Schmidt said. “Today, that closest approach is in January. So, summertime in the north was warmer back then than it is now.”

The changes in the Earth’s orbital tilt and precession (or the wobbling motion) occur because of gravitational forces emanating from other bodies in the solar system. To understand exactly what happens, picture a spinning top when it is slightly disturbed. Just like a top, the Earth too wobbles slightly about its rotational axis. This tilt changes between roughly 22 and 25 degrees about every 41,000 years, while the precession varies on about a 26,000-year period. These cycles have been determined by astronomers and validated by geologists studying ocean sediment records.
“If you get a long enough time series that can be well dated, you should be able to see frequencies in the data that correspond to the periods predicted by theory,” Schmidt explained.



誠実な話しぶりの Allan Savoryさんのお話を聴いてみよう。

多くのことを確かめて、墓場まで持って行く恥ずかしい実験と結果まで 赤裸々に語る。人間のあさはかさ。愚かな知恵。限りない試行錯誤の結果。極めて示唆に富む話を 静かに、丁寧に語る。とても真摯な気持ちになる。

★ジンバブウェの大いなる実験は 感動的だ。家畜を使って 自然をmimic (まねる)する方法。久しぶりに希望の持てる話に 思わず目頭も熱くなる。

How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory TED  TED  830万 視聴回数 1,785,823 回

2013/03/04 に公開

“Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it’s happening to about two-thirds of the world’s grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it.

He now believes — and his work so far shows — that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology,

Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate


★家畜で復活した草原。二酸化炭素を 草原に吸収させるアイデアも飛び出した。産業革命以前の状態に戻せるのでは という話まで。これは 数えきれない思い違いの歴史を覆す可能性を秘めている。

もう一度 聴いてみよう!!


★ ところで すぐに反応する人がいる。なにを言っているのか? 聴いてみるか!?

Allan Savory’s 5 Big Lies – Debunked – PART 2 Mic. the Vegan  17.3万視聴回数 30,089 回 2016/01/20 に公開

THIS IS PART TWO! Livestock to save the world…What does the science actually say about Allan Savory’s methods? In this video we look behind the glamorous ‘before and after’ shots in the TED talk.
Links and Sources:


2017/07/20 に公開

BGM: ToFFe – Sands of Time Sunlight by Per Kiilstofte









インドの砂漠を緑に変えた グリーンファーザー 杉山龍丸 LOVE JAPAN  LOVE JAPAN  視聴回数 219,264 回 2013/06/13 に公開

ご長男の杉山満丸さんは もう何年になるのだろうか? ご上京される度にお会いさせている。杉山龍丸さんは インドに通っていた1984~87年 インドで 私が日本人と判った人が 突然 はっきりした日本語で「私の名前は すぎやまたつまるです」嬉しそうに言って 私の顔を覗き込んだ。帰国して初めて「杉山龍丸さん」が 何者かが分かった。


海外が感動する日本の力!アフガニスタンの砂漠を緑化成功!奇跡を起こした日本人!  海外が感動する日本の力 
