Japan State Minister Sonoura Fifth Ministerial-Level 4 Parties Meeting “Corridor for Peace & Prosperity”


160515Sun Palestine PIEFZA National Economy Energy Authority Reach Bank (149)

Power Japan Plus Inc. is establishing PJP Palestine Inc. together with Palestine key persons

as the first Japanese company raising  Japan National Flag at the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park

(JAIP), which has been our mutual dream for long time. The dream now comes true.

s-160517Palestine (39)

s-160517Palestine (7)

外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan




s-s-160515-17 Palestine (306)

英語版 (English)

  • 薗浦外務副大臣の第5回「平和と繁栄の回廊」構想四者閣僚級協議への出席2
  • s-s-160509 原田義昭さん アーメッド・チャンコウ 山元雅信 (1)160515Sun Palestine PIEFZA National Economy Energy Authority Reach Bank (154)

  1.  本7日(現地時間同日),薗浦健太郎外務副大臣は,訪問先のパレスチナのジェリコにおいて,第5回「平和と繁栄の回廊」構想四者閣僚級協議に出席したところ,概要は以下のとおりです。

    1 この協議にはフセイン・シェイク・パレスチナ自治政府民政庁長官(H.E. Mr. Hussein al-Sheikh, Minister of Civil Affairs of the Palestinian Authority),ツァヒ・ハネグビ・イスラエル首相府担当大臣(H.E. Mr. Tzachi Hanegbi, Minister at Prime Minister Office),サーレハ・ハラブシェ・ヨルダン計画・国際協力省次官(H.E. Dr. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, Secretary General of the Minisry of Plannning and International Cooperation)が出席し,薗浦副大臣が議長を務めました。

    s-160517Palestine (245)

    2 この協議では,地域協力によりパレスチナの経済発展を促す「平和と繁栄の回廊」構想の旗艦事業である「ジェリコ農産加工団地(JAIP)」の現状について認識を共有し,今後の取組等について協議しました。

    3 薗浦副大臣からは,「平和と繁栄の回廊」構想の発表から10年が経ち,JAIPではパレスチナの企業2社が操業を開始し37社が入居契約を結び,着実に構想が進んでいることを歓迎し,今後も四者で協力して同構想を進めていきたい旨述べました。

    s-160515-17 Palestine (328)

    4 四者は,パレスチナの経済発展や地域の平和と繁栄のために同構想を共に推進していくことを確認し,最後に,議長サマリーを採択し,協議を終えました。




    160515Sun Palestine PIEFZA National Economy Energy Authority Reach Bank (42)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

September 7, 2016

  1. On September 7, Mr. Kentaro Sonoura, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, attended the Fifth Ministerial-Level Meeting of the Four-Party Consultative Unit for the “Corridor for Peace and Prosperity” in Jericho, Palestine, during his visit. The overview of the meeting is as follows.1. The meeting was attended by H.E. Mr. Hussein al-Sheikh, Minister of Civil Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, H.E. Mr. Tzachi Hanegbi, Israeli Minister at Prime Minister Office, and H.E. Dr. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, Jordanian Secretary General of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.

160515Sun Palestine PIEFZA National Economy Energy Authority Reach Bank (34)

  1. State Minister Sonoura served as Chair.2. At the meeting, they shared the recognition on the current state of the construction of the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park (JAIP), a flagship project of the “Corridor for Peace and Prosperity” aiming to encourage the development of the Palestinian economy through regional cooperation, and discussed future efforts and initiatives.s-s-160515-17 Palestine (315)
  2. 3. State Minister Sonoura mentioned that 10 years have passed since the inauguration of the initiative of the “Corridor for Peace and Prosperity”, and welcomed the steady progress being made with the concept, including the fact that two Palestinian companies have begun operating at the JAIP. State Minister Sonoura expressed his hope that the four parties will continue to work together to move the initiative forward.
  3. 4. The four parties reaffirmed the importance of cooperation for further progress in the initiative which would contribute to the development of the Palestinian economy and peace and prosperity in the region.Lastly, a Chairman’s summary was adopted, and the meeting ended.s-s-160515-17 Palestine (304)