Sosei Water Interview at World Water Week @Stockholm @160830

World Water Week in Stockholm on 30th August,2016
深井利春さんが フォーラムで創生水に ついて
にわかには 信じがたいお話を 幾つもされているが
私も 20年ぐらい前から ずっと それぞれの実験や
膨大な検査結果資料集を、見て来たので 事実であると
深井さんの言われることが 各国で実験され、証明されて
持続可能な環境社会に 間違いなく、大きく貢献されると
期待している。深井さん本当に おめでとうございます。
All solutions are in water. Water is the basis of all.
2016-08-30 | Usage rights: CC | Credit: SIWI
In the 21st century, we should make a revolution of lifestyle, industry, and economy by producing and discharging clean water, instead of contaminating water. In this segment, we would like to share knowledge about our technology, including our Sosei Water generator and Sosei Fuel Water system, which will help solve the current environmental problems as CO2 reduction goal and would like to talk about our experience in Fukushima nuclear explosion in 2011 how it can contribute to Sustainable growth on Earth in this century.

All solutions are in water. Water is the basis of all.

2016-08-30 | Usage rights: CC | Credit: SIWI

In the 21st century, we should make a revolution of lifestyle, industry, and economy by producing and discharging clean water, instead of contaminating water. In this segment, we would like to share knowledge about our technology, including our Sosei Water generator and Sosei Fuel Water system, which will help solve the current environmental problems as CO2 reduction goal and would like to talk about our experience in Fukushima nuclear explosion in 2011 how it can contribute to Sustainable growth on Earth in this century.

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)