日本航空学園 理事長 梅澤重雄氏
Chancellor Mr. Shigeo Umezawa, JAA
JAA Japan Aviation Academy Home Page
日本航空学園 ホームページ 上記をクリック下さい。
★大学 高校 中学 ★通信教育の資料も Both English and Japanese。
New Chitose Airport Campus
President Mr. Tadahiro Umezawa
学長 梅澤 忠弘氏
Japan Aviation Academy was founded in 1932 and is the largest and oldest specialized
school for training aviation personnel in Japan.
Please click each Campus each division and know what we can learn and obtain each diploma
① Yamanashi Campus :
https://jaa.ac.jp/dl/brochure_hs-yamanashi2022.pdf (English)
② “New Chitose Airport Campus” in Hokkaido :
https://jaa.ac.jp/dl/brochure_cc-hokkaido2022.pdf (English)
https://www.jaa-tech.jp/ (Japanese)
③ “Noto Airport Campus” in Ishikawa Prefecture :
https://jaa.ac.jp/dl/brochure_hs-ishikawa2022.pdf (English)
https://www.jaaw-hs.net/campus/notoairport_campus (Japanese)
④ Having four campuses with “Tokyo Satellite” in Tokyo,
“Japan Aviation High School
https://jaa.ac.jp/dl/brochure_tsushin2022.pdf (English)
https://wing-hs.jp/ (Japanese)
Yamanashi” and “Japan Aviation High School Ishikawa”
Operates schools for “Japan Aviation High School Hokkaido,” “Japan Aviation High School
Ishikawa,” and “Japan Aviation High School Correspondence Course.”
① 山梨県に「山梨キャンパス」URLをクリックして、各部門をご覧ください。
山梨キャンパス 普通科・航空科
② 北海道に「新千歳空港キャンパス」 下記のURLの各部門をクリックしてご覧ください。
③ 石川県に「能登空港キャンパス」 下記のURLを各部門をクリックしてご覧ください。
能登空港キャンパス 航空科
④ 東京に「東京サテライト」下記のURLを各部門をクリックしてご覧ください。
4つのキャンパスを持ち『日本航空高等学校 山梨』『日本航空高校 石川』
『日本航空大学校 北海道』『日本航空大学校 石川』『日本航空高等学校通信制課程』
Based on the development of human resources who can play an active role as professionals,
including the aviation industry and aviation-related industry, 30,000 people have been
cultivated so far with the concept of developing excellent human resources who have solid
human power and solid knowledge and skills. Producing so many graduates to society.
Many of the graduates are active in the professional field of society, including the aviation
industry and aviation-related industry.
JAA International Headquarters,
NEGISHI Kenichi根岸 健一 日本航空学園 理事長補佐 国際本部長
Japan Aviation Academy, Director
General Manager of International Headquarters,
Assistant to the Chairman
International Headquarters,
Yamanashi Campas, Ayako Naito、International Director
国際部長 内藤亜矢子
Yamanashi Campus Mr. Qiao Gong 喬 戒
Ishikawa Campus : 安 寅奎 Ahn Lins
Introduction to International exchange
Japan Aviation High School has accepted international students since 1990 and is engaged in international exchange. As of 2020, nearly 700 international students are studying. Country of origin is China, Thailand, Mongolia, South Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz, Bangladesh and other Asian countries, and Tonga, Palau, New Zealand’s Pacific region, Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, Russia, Serbia, Hungary, etc. We are welcoming students widely.
Currently, about 20 people (Thailand, China, Nigeria) at Japan Aviation High School (Yamanashi) and about 40 people (Kyrgyz, Serbia, Thailand, Tonga, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh) at Japan Aviation High School Ishikawa (Wajima) are enrolled. By studying in the same classroom, living in the same room in the dormitory, and sleeping and eating together, both Japanese and international students can interact with different cultures every day.
International students are active in their studies and club activities, foster friendships with Japanese students, and having Japanese customs and culture. On the other hand, Japanese students cultivate an international sense in their daily lives. Some students study abroad in the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, China, etc. during or after graduation.
The staff of this school is also resident in the United States.
In this way, true international exchange is taking place at Japan Aviation Academy.
Here, we would like to introduce the international exchange activities of our school and the activities of international students.
Life of international students
Japan Aviation High School accepts international students from overseas.
After graduating, Some students went on to the attached school, Japan Aviation College Ishikawa and Chitose, and became an excellent human resource such as a cabin attendant and an aircraft maintenance technician, and became an aviation worker. Others, also many people , go on to famous universities in Japan and overseas.
In the first year of studying abroad, students will focus on improving their Japanese proficiency and will study in parallel with other subjects. From the second year onward, we will take the same classes as Japanese students and aim to acquire academic ability to go on to a leading university in Japan.
In addition, our school also puts a lot of effort into club activities, and international students are also active. Rugby, soccer, table tennis, kendo, volleyball, basketball, dance, brass band, calligraphy club, etc.
The school is fully equipped with dormitories, and support is provided so that international students can live with peace of mind. At our school, about 90% of students live in dormitories and live together for three years. Since several dormitory supervisors are resident, you can receive generous care 24 hours a day, and you will not feel any inconvenience in your life.
Meals can be eaten at the three-meal school restaurant, including weekends and public holidays. On the anniversary of the country of origin of international students, a student morning assembly will be held, the national flag of the country of origin will be raised, and the entire school will celebrate. In this kind of life, students are connected by deep bonds and lead a bright and enjoyable high school life toward the realization of their dreams.
< Major destinations for international students (other than affiliated schools) >
Hiroshima University, Kanazawa University, Shizuoka University, Shiga University, Sophia University, International Christian University, Ritsumeikan University, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Masanobu Yamamoto, Executive Special Advisor,
International Education Division, JAA
学校法人日本航空学園 日本航空高等学校では海外からの留学生を受け入れています。
International Relationships 友好締結校一覧
Japan Aviation Academy currently has friendships with 25 schools in 6 countries.
111. Relationship list of China /中華人民共和国友好校リスト
① Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics /北京航空航天大学
② Aviation Flight University of China /中国民航飛行学院
③ Sichuan University /四川大学
④ China Council for The Promotion of Lnternational Trade Sichuan Council (Sichuan
Chambe of Lnternational Commerce) /中国国际贸易促进委员会四川省委员会(四川国际商会)
⑤ Sichuan Physical Education Bureau /四川省体育局
⑥ Chengdu Aeronautic Vocational & Technical College /成都航空職業技術学院
⑦ The 7th Chengdu Middle School /成都市第七中学校
⑧ The 2th Chongging Foreign Language School /重慶第二外国語学校
⑨ Sichuan Meishan Scientific Ang Technical Secondary School /四川省眉山科学技術学校
⑩ Shengan Middle School of Xindu Chengdu Sichuan /四川省成都市⑤新都升庵中学
⑪ The First Middle School of Pixian Sichuan /四川省郫県第一中学
⑫ The First Middle School of Yibin Sichuan /四川省宜賓市第一中学校
⑬ Sichuan Shuangliu Tanghu Middle School Foreign Language Experimental School /
⑭ Yugao Middle School of Chongging /重慶市渝高中学校
222. Relationship list of USA /アメリカ合衆国友好校リスト
① Hillsboro Aviation , Inc. /ヒルズボロー・アビエーション
② Westrn Michigan University /ウエスタンミシガン大学
③ Honolulu Community College /ホノルルコミュニティーカレッジ
④ William Penn University /ウィリアムペン大学
⑤ Clover Park Technical College /クローバーパークテクニカルカレッジ
333. Relationship list of Korea /大韓民国友好校リスト
① Jung Suk Aviation Technical High School /静石航空工業高等学校
② Hankuk Aviation University. /韓国航空大学校
444. Relationship list of New Zealand /ニュージーランド友好校リスト
① John Paul College /ジョンポールカレッジ
555. Relationship list of United Kingdom /イギリス友好校リスト
① Sheffield College /シェフィールドカレッジ
② The University of Hull /ハル大学
666. Relationship list of Mongol Uls /モンゴル友好校リスト
① Khara-Khorum University /カラコルム大学
② Mongolian University of Science and Technology /モンゴル国立科学技術大学
③ The Music and Dance College of Mongolia /モンゴル国立音楽舞踏学校
Overseas staff
The Chinese Staff
- 劉 毅
- Japan Aviation Academy, China Office, Assistant to Chancellor Secretary-General
- 日本航空学園 中国事務局長
- 日本航空学園 理事長補佐
- 日本航空学園 中国事務局 局長
- 鄧 君
- Japan Aviation Academy ,Alumni Associatio, CHONG QING Chapter, Chapter leader.
- 日本航空学園 中国航友会重慶支部 支部長
The Kingdom of Thailand Staff
- 篠原 康太
- Japan Aviation Academy, Bangkok Office, Manager.
- 日本航空学園バンコク事務局長
- ナタポン・チャイワニッポン
- Japan Aviation Academy, Bangkok Office, Manager
- 日本航空学園バンコク事務局次長
The State of Mongolia Staff
- Alimansar Namjildori
- アリマンサル
- Japan Aviation Academy, The Mongolia secretariat staff
- 日本航空学園モンゴル事務局スタッフ
- Naranchimeg Sanjaajar
- ナランチメグ
- Japan Aviation Academy, The Mongolia secretariat staff
- 日本航空学園モンゴル事務局スタッフ
Japan Aviation Academy carefully nurtures young people. Good work for young people
around the world. International students from overseas, Similarly, I would like you to come
to our “Japan” and study at “Japan Aviation Academy”. (Junior high school 1, high school
2, university 2 total about 3000 people) are learning. Correspondence education
(total of about 3000 people). Everyone is learning hard.
Many students from all over Japan and around the world gather at Japan Aviation Academy
and live in dormitories. You can enjoy three different type meals of Japanese, Western, and
Chinese dishes carefully planned by registered dietitians at the cafeteria of the dormitory.
Most of the students who gather at “Japan Aviation Academy” from all over Japan and all over
the world live in dormitories. Meals are served in the dormitory. At a cafeteria, you can enjoy a
wide range of Japanese, Western, and Chinese menus designed by a registered dietitian. In the
school You can get what you need at a convenience store in Tokyo, so you can live a convenient
and comfortable life.
“Nippon Aviation Academy” aims at the course and hope while making the best use
of the individuality and strengths of students. Students to the future. With an
educational system that guides students, you can play an active role in the professional
field of society including the aviation industry. It is a school corporation that surely
develops excellent human resources.
From left Tadahiro Umezawa, President, Japan Aviation Professional Training College
Shigeo Umezawa, President / CEO Japan Aviation Academy
From right Masanobu Yamamoto, Executive Special Advisor
JAA Japan Aviation Academy nurtures youths with care. Excellent employment for youths around the world. Japan Aviation Academy nurtures young people with care. Excellent employment for youths around the World. Many people have been displaced in various countries one after the other. we wish young students to come to Japan and study at Japan Aviation Academy JAA. There are a total of almost 3,000 students :
1 junior high school,
2 high schools, and
3 colleges, studying at present.
4 There is also correspondence education
(almost 3,000students in total).
Everyone is learning to their fullest with great energy. JAA Graduates achieve a 100% employment rate every year.
We would also welcome ambitious students from abroad. Overseas Students already came to study at JAA from 21 countries so far. We will increase total overseas student and also increase overseas countries from now on.
Graduates achieve 100% employment rate every year. We think ambitious students from overseas will also study more at Japan Aviation Academy in Japan.
1 Mongolia 2 China 3 Taiwan 4 Thailand 5 Tonga 6 South Korea 7 Vietnam 8 Serbia 9 Tajikistan
10 Hungary 11 Myanmar 12 Palau13 Kyrgyzstan 14 Bangladeshi 15 USA 16 Nigeria 17 Brazil
18 Russia 19 Kenya 20 New Zealand 21 Philippine
JAA will increase overseas countries students
日本航空学園は 海外からの生徒を募集中です。
JAA recruiting schedule and contents : Please click the following URL
College, High School, “Junior High School” also.★ Correspondence course reference materials are also available in Both English and Japanese.
JAA will train human resources who will play an active role as professionals, including the aviation and
aviation-related industries.The institution has produced more than 30, 000 graduates who arexcellent
human resources for society.
They have reliable human characteristics and solid knowledge. Many of the graduates are professionals
in the aviation industry,aviation-related industries, and other fields.
JAA (Japan Aviation Academy is recruiting overseas students at
4 places as follows:
1. Yamanashi Prefecture, Kofu City
2. Ishikawa Prefecture, Wajima City
3. Hokkaido Chitose City,
4. Tokyo Meguro Satellite
Correspondence High School
Please click Face book as hereunder.
111 航空高校 山梨キャンパス
JAA Yamanashi Campass
JAA Japan Aviation High School Yamanashi Campus,a vast runway with a total length of
850m in Kai City,Yamanashi Prefecture, Principal Masanari Shinohara
日本航空高等学校 および通信制課程 校長 篠原雅成
At Japan Aviation High School Yamanash, [General Course] was established, The
6-credit elective course per week was modified into 1 air course,2 premium special
course, 3 sports special course, 4 general course, 5 sports course 6 art course]
Education that develops individuality and strengths according to each person wishes
is provided.
Remarks :Both Japan Aviation College Hokkaido and Japan Aviation College Ishikawa
have been certified as aviation mechanic training facilities and aviation maintenance
training processes designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Both schools have real aircraft and exceptional facility environment, and you can receive
top-notch practical training. In the Department of Aviation Engineering
Brochure Japanese & English
日本航空学園 山梨校 JAA Yamanashi Campass
Overseas Students
18 ロシア 19ケニア
合計11ケ国からの留学生 So far 11 Countries
JAA Yamanashi Campus
222 日本航空学園 石川校 (能登・輪島)
Ishikawa school at Noto-Wajima,
Ishikawa Prefecture. JAA Noto Campass
学校法人 日本航空学園
日本航空大学校 石川 学長 小林 学
Brochure Both Japanese & English http://jac-n.jp/
右端 能登空港キャンパス 学園長 梅澤 慶臣
Masato Asakawa, Principal, Japan Aviation College Ishikawa,
日本航空大学校 石川、常務理事 学長 浅川正人
Japan Aviation College Ishikawa is located in the Noto Airport Campus, adjacent to Noto
Airport in Ishikawa Prefecture. They train pilots, aviation engineers, aviation mechanics,
cabin attendants, and ground staff.
『日本航空大学校 石川』は、石川県能登空港に隣接する「能登空港キャンパス」
you can obtain a qualification in CATIA, AUTOCAD, which are used in the design of aerospace
equipment as well as programming. In addition, you can acquire the qualifications and skills
necessary for ground handling in the Airport Technology Department. In the International
Aviation Business Department you can acquire language skills, and the knowledge necessary
for flight attendants and ground staff through usage of full-fledged mockup facilities.
In ishikawa , Pilot Department, we conduct training in Japan and overseas in order to acquire
the knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary for airline pilot
At “Japan Aviation High School Ishikawa” [1 Aviation Department,
2 Aviation Engineering Course] [3 Aviation Course / 4 Ordinary Course]
From future aircraft maintenance technicians, aeronautical engineers, airline pilots,
cabin attendants, and anyone else who wants to go on to university, you can choose
a course that suits your desired career path.
Japan Aviation High School Ishikawa is located adjacent to Noto Airport in Wajima City, Ishikawa
Prefecture At Japan Aviation High School Ishikawa, To those who aim to be cabin attendants,
aviation mechanics, aviation engineers, airline pilots, or those who want to go on to university,
everyone can choose a course according to their desired course.
1モンゴル 2中国
合計 17か国、
Please click below for the official website: Japan Aviation Academy
333 日本航空大学校 (千歳)Chitose Campass
New Chitose Airport Campus in Hokkaido: Japan Aviation College Hokkaido
Brochure both Japanese & English
New Chitose Airport Campus
President Mr. Tadahiro Umezawa
学長 梅澤 忠弘氏
Remarks :Both Japan Aviation College Hokkaido and Japan Aviation College Ishikawa
have been certified as aviation mechanic training facilities and aviation maintenance
training processes designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
「日本航空大学校 北海道」「日本航空大学校 石川」ともに航空整備士養成に,おいては、
Both schools have real aircraft and exceptional facility environment, and you can receive top-notch practical training. In the Department of Aviation Engineering. In Hokkaido, we aim to train first-class aviation mechanics in partnership with JAL and ANA, and in Ishikawa, we aim to obtain qualifications as first-class aircraft operation
mechanics using Japan first large-scaleaircraft, YS-11.
② 両校ともに本物の機体や充実した施設環境を有していて、しっかりとした実習教育を受ける
444 Tokyo Meguro Satellite School
Japan Aviation Correspondence High School
JAA 通信高校
Hiroyuki Konishi, President,JAA Correspondence high school、
Rie Nomura, Vice Principal, JAA Correspondence high school、
& “Chairman Assistant”
野村理恵 日本航空学園 通信制課程 教頭 理事長補佐
Satellite School to be newly established on top of Meguro both overseas soon
and other area of Japan like Hokkaido.
you can receive high school education from all over Japan through correspondence
education using the internet and other means. It is open to people who want to
graduate from high school while doing professional activities such as sports and
performing arts from high school, those who want to study while working, those
who don’t want to go to school every day, can study and graduate from high school
at their own pace.
中央 通信制課程 教頭 野村理恵 法人本部 理事長補佐
また、『日本航空高等学校 通信制課程』では、インターネットなどを 活用した通信教育で、
Masanobu Yamamoto, Executive Special Advisor,
International Education Division, JAA
JAA will invite other overseas countries as follows:
日本航空学園 今後追加予定の国々
Countries to be added to Japan Aviation Academy in the future
: 1 India 2 Indonesia 3 Canada 4 Germany 5 Spain 6 Samoa 7 Australia
total 7 countries
1 インド 2 インドネシア
3 カナダ
4 ドイツ 5 スペイン
6 サモア
7 オーストラリア 合計 7ケ国
Eastern Europeans countries also to be invited by JAA.
4スロバニア 5スロバキア
合計 8ケ国
★桜は日本の象徴です。優しい 美しい日本で
ご一緒に 学びましょう。