Think Civility 礼節の効果。 武士道。 200420(Mon)


① 礼節・無私の人乃木希典

15,205 回視2013/02/18  よしこたかはし登録者数 117人登録済
四街道吟詠会 発表会 平成25年2月17日(日) 四街道公民館 “第6回吟詠のひととき”




② いま、拠って立つべき”日本の精神” 武士道|現代の日本人が持つべき武士の魂



③ What is Bushido? The Soul of Japan Way of the Samurai

40,848 回2017/09/29  Shinkan-ryū Kenpo登録者数 1.51万人登録済



④-1 神風特攻隊員たちの遺書

3,139,428 回視聴 2008/12/08  koniboshi チャンネル登録者数 2010人 登録済 



⑤-1 Think Civility 「礼儀正しさ」こそ最強の生存戦略である|クリスティーン・ポラス

78,015 回視聴 2020/02/16 アバタローチャンネル登録者数 6.52万人 登録済
【話題のビジネス書】全米で話題「礼節の科学」、ついに日本初上陸。MBAで「職場の無礼さ」を研究する著者の20年間の集大成「Think Civility」を22分で解説いたします。 【書籍の購入】Think Civility 「礼儀正しさ」こそ最強の生存戦略である|クリスティーン・ポラス



④-2 神風特攻隊員たちの遺書

3,139,428 回視聴 2008/12/08  koniboshi  登録者数 2010人



⑤-2 Do Nice People Finish Last or Best? | Christine Porath | TEDxUniversityofNevada

164,990 回視聴 2018/02/24 TEDx Talks チャンネル登録者数 2410万人 登録済
Do you lift people up or hold them down? Based on research, Christine Porath shares the costs of incivility and how civility pays. She explains how incivility is a bug—it’s contagious and we become carriers of it just by being around it. Christine reveals the true power of civility and how our little actions matter.
Christine Porath is author of Mastering Civility and co-author of The Cost of Bad Behavior. She’s a professor at McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University and a consultant working with leading organizations to help them create a thriving workplace.
Her speaking and consulting clients include Google, United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Pixar, AT&T, Genentech, Department of Labor, Department of the Treasury, and Department of Justice, and various health care organizations and law firms.
Christine is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review and Psychology Today, and has written articles for New York Times, Wall Street Journal, McKinsey Quarterly, and Washington Post.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


