睡眠の大切さ The importance of sleep   200117(Fri)




These Sleep Experts Explain How to Get the Best Rest | Health Theory 210,044 回視聴 2019/12/05 

Tom Bilyeu チャンネル登録者数 136万人
Most people now know that getting good sleep is essential for healing, top performance, and mental health. But there are too many false ideas floating around about sleep.
The old advice to just get eight hours of sleep doesn’t work for everyone.
On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, guests Michael Breus (the Sleep Doctor)
and Jason McKeown detail exactly how you can sleep more efficiently, understand your own
chronotype, and develop a routine for getting ready for the best possible sleep.
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SHOW NOTES: What can we do to be more efficient with our sleep?
[1:11] What are the four stages of sleep, and what’s going on in each stage?
[2:54] Michael explains why sleep consistency is so important
[4:31] Jason asks why the human body needs sleep at all
[5:12] The amount of sleep a person needs is mostly genetic
[6:51] Michael details an experiment everyone can do to find out how much sleep they need
[8:02] Michael tells the story of the client he couldn’t help
[9:52] Most people go through all four chronotypes over their lifetime
[12:00] Michael explains why most people’s chronotype changes as they age
[14:08] Jason describes how the brain recovers during sleep
[14:53] Michael explains why pharmaceutically induced sleep is harmful
[17:52] Jason talks about why it makes sense to treat the brain with electricity
[19:15] Jason explains how he gets ready for sleep
[23:49] Michael describes his exact routine for getting ready for optimal sleep
[25:06] Michael explains why blue light matters and what it does
[25:43] Michael advocates cognitive behavioral therapy to help with sleep
[27:!6] Most people have something else going wrong if they aren’t sleeping
[30:34] Getting poor sleep definitely leads to dementia and chronic illness
[31:31] Tom and Jason discuss finding the exact optimal amount of sleep
[32:26] Jason points out that how harmful it can be to miss even one hour of sleep
[38:00] Michael explains that we are at the mere beginning of learning about sleep
[39:03] Michael details how to use cannabis to help with sleep
[40:55] What one thing should people change to improve their sleep?
[43:33] This episode is brought to you by: Eight Sleep. Right now get $150 off your
Pod and free shipping when you go to https://eightsleep.com/impact




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How to Get The Most From Your Sleep Cycle | Dan Pardi on Health Theory 127,788 回 2019/03/07 

Tom Bilyeu チャンネル登録者数 136万人
This episode is sponsored by Skillshare. Start learning on Skillshare today with 2 free months at https://skl.sh/healththeory2
This week’s guest on Health Theory is Dr. Dan Pardi.
Dr. Pardi is a sleep specialist, the CEO of humanOS.me and helps people engineer
healthier behaviors.
In this episode he talks about how to optimize your behaviors for health,
the importance of sleep, and why we get fat.
SHOW NOTES How Dan’s father’s cancer inspired his career
[01:22] How to take over your behaviors
[02:47] The importance of sleep
[08:07] Daytime strategies to improve your sleep
[12:19] What your body fat is really up to
[14:30] The mechanisms that burn body fat
[20:10] What drives our food intake
[23:56] Why your decision making capabilities are diminished after a
    night of poor sleep
[28:57] The metabolic impacts of little sleep
[32:23] Why exercise may not have the effect on weight we thought it did
[34:18] How to lose 100 pounds
[37:18] The role of cold and heat exposure for our health
[38:55] Is GHB the perfect drug for Alzheimer’s?
[42:53] FOLLOW DAN WEBSITE: https://www.humanos.me/




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Arnold Schwarzenegger This Speech Broke The Internet AND Most Inspiring Speech- It Changed My Life. 1,858,919 回視聴 2019/06/19 

Andrew DC TV チャンネル登録者数 9190人
Hello and open this! 👎 Arnold Schwarzenegger tells his rules of success.



睡眠の専門家に疲れても眠れない睡眠障害の効果的な治し方を聞いてみた【山口真由子】~②~ 2,514 回視聴

2018/01/09  IT社長養成学校 チャンネル登録者数 1.73万人≪運営元「IT社長養成学校」公式LINE@≫


