シュメール人 竹内文書 日本人 190717(水)

私たちは どこから来て どこに行くのか?? たまには「古代や宇宙」物語に耳を傾けよう。真実か否か? 答えは良く判らない。だから面白い。「克己心」より「好奇心」たまには妄想してみよう。夢は広がる。「アヌンナキ」本当に宇宙から来たのか?そうかも知れないし、そうでないかも知れない。だから面白い。


111.シュメール人は、どこから来て、どこへ行ってしまったのか? シュメール人と日本人の共通点 651,553 回視聴

CH世界不思議・謎 2018/05/08チャンネル登録 1.6万
シュメール人は、どこから来て、どこへ行ってしまったのか? シュメール人と日本人の共通点 【古代日本とシュメール】日本の神社や神域で発見される古代文字ペトログリフの謎 https://youtu.be/_j8QFqheOlo 砂漠から発見されたが 未だ解明できない不思議なもの 8選 https://youtu.be/sldXjMWIIFY 上空から見て明らかになった11の不思議な光景 https://youtu.be/vzrP7Y5CiLg ナスカ文明より古い時代の地上絵が新たに50点以上発見された。(ペルー)https://youtu.be/J8ShgOItrCE 伊勢神宮の謎から読み解く日本人のルーツ https://youtu.be/uaFQAvg9Nu8


222. New Anunnaki Documentary 2019 They Look Human and They Are Still Here 273,836 回視聴 

ZEG TV HIDDEN FROM THE PUBLIC2019/01/28 公開チャンネル登録 28万
The anunnaki were an advanced civilisation who travelled was distances to mine gold, according to many researchers, this was in order to save their planet. Some of the people in this documentary are in direct contact with these beings, some also claim they are still here and running the world from behind the scenes.
Is a powerful group preparing us to help us process the truth about our ancient past. We also take a look at the waring factions of the Anunnaki and the ongoing mission to oust the malevolent Anunnaki who reside in positions of power through various alliances with other self serving forces.
Remember, Anunnaki means those who came from Heaven to Earth. Some operated under Universal Law and were in service to Creation others were self-serving taking advantage of primitive people.
There were many attempts to colonize Earth and many Star Nations were involved. This channel is managed by ZEG Ltd. All Contents are licensed and or produced in partnership with ZEG Ltd.

333. 宇宙創世138億年の歴史を覆す日本の古文書に隠された共通点とは?日本にはとんでもない秘密が隠されている!466,829 回視聴 Unknown World 2019/01/19 チャンネル登録 4.9万
~Unknown World~運営 MIKA&AOI&Hi●●です。ぶっ飛んだ話をします。宇宙の歴史は138億年と言われています。これを覆す「世界最古の古文書竹内文書」。それと似た「九鬼文書」。この3つの古文書には共通点がいくつも…。これが真実なのか? 今回はアオイワールドです ★☆チャンネル登録☆★⇒http://u0u1.net/Gj6p


444.Michael Cremo: “Forbidden Archaeology” | Talks at Google

1,150,136 回視聴 Talks at Google2014/10/08 に公開チャンネル登録 99万

Michael A. Cremo Historian of Archeology Abstract: Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for many millions of years.

But many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable facts. Why? Primarily because they contradict the now dominant evolutionary views about human origins and antiquity. According to these views, humans like ourselves have existed for only about 100,000 or 200,000 years, and before that there were only more primitive human ancestors.

This evolutionary paradigm, to which influential groups of scientists are deeply committed, has acted as a “knowledge filter.” And the filtering, intentional or not, has left us with a radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins.

Recovering the complete set of facts takes us on a fascinating expedition, across five continents to various archaeological sites, some long forgotten, some the center of ongoing controversy. On the other hand, the complete set of facts is consistent with the accounts of extreme human antiquity found in the Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India.

Bio: Michael A. Cremo is research associate in history of archeology. He is a member of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC) since 1993. His WAC3 paper “Puranic Time and the Archaeological Record” was published in the Routledge One World Archaeology series volume Time and Archaeology (1999), edited by Tim Murray. He is also a member of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA).

In 2004 Cremo’s paper “The Later Discoveries of Boucher de Perthes at Moulin Quignon and Their Impact on the Moulin Quignon Jaw Controversy,” presented at the XXth International Congress for History of Science, Liege, Belgium, was published in a conference proceedings volume of this congress, by the scientific publisher Brepols.

Cremo is the principal author of the book Forbidden Archeology, a comprehensive historical survey of archaeological anomalies. In a review in British Journal for History of Science, Tim Murray said the book “provides the historian of archaeology with a useful compendium of case studies in the history and sociology of scientific knowledge, which can be used to foster debate within archaeology about how to describe the epistemology of one’s discipline.

” Cremo is particularly interested in examining the history of the archeology from the standpoint of alternative worldviews, particularly worldviews with foundations in ancient Indian thought.

He has given invited lectures on his work at the Royal Institution in London, the anthropology department of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, the archeology department of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and many other scientific institutions. He has also lectured on his work at universities throughout the world.
