参加しているコンサルタント中、最大のパフォーマンスを上げ続けている。 IT、金融、ビジネスコン
★ さて 日本は 2017年 今年が 仮想通貨元年と言われる。日本の銀行も 参加して独自の通貨を発行している。
さて2017年の5月現在の状況を 色々見て行こう。世界の銀行は もう役目を終えたという話もある。
簡単には そうはならないぞと思うが しっかり現状を認識しておこう。日本語での情報と 海外からの情報を
観ながら検証する姿勢が 大切と思う。 ついでに 英語の勉強もしてしまおう。
これからは 一段と 国際人になって、もっと世界を楽しむ習慣を作ろう。生まれてきた理由は
人生を良い意味で 積極的に楽しみながら 社会貢献も 世界貢献も 地球貢献 人類貢献も できる
範囲で 果たして行くことが大切だと思う。
★ウガンダでは 世界中のウガンダの移民は家族のために毎年7億USDを送金する。ウエスタンユニオンやMoneyGramを
ビットコイン:1000円⇒9億円 ノアコイン:1000円⇒?????? 未知数ですが…凄いことになりそうです!!!
noah コイン 購入 noahcoin (noah) noah coin ann
Market Update: $4000 Bitcoin Soon?! 2017/05/10 に公開 BTC Tipjar https://twitter.com/CarpeNoctomReferral & Affiliate Links
Bitcoin News 11 May 2017
Bitcoin Today – The Bitcoin price keeps on reaching to new levels! Climbing past $1800 today – with way over $1 billion traded over the past 24 hours. Will Bitcoin test $2000 soon?
Bitcoin News Headlines:-
Bitcoin’s Price Rise Brings Mt Gox Closer to Solvency
Top 4 South Korean Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Webjet Ethereum Pilot Targets Hotel Industry’s ‘Dirty Secret’
KPMG acquires fintech matchmaking firm Matchi
EU Parliament Report Explores Blockchain’s Social Impact
【基礎から分かるビットコイン・ブロックチェーン】徹底解説!今さら聞けない“仮想通貨” 2017/02/15 に公開
「銀行はもういらない?フィンテック革命の衝撃」The impact of the FinTech revolution
Bitcoin in Uganda – Empowering People2014/05/16 に公開
The story about Ronald from Kampala, Uganda who receives bitcoin from his family in the US to support his education.
Bitcoin: The End Of Money (Part 1): The History of Money
This is the first part of the award-winning documentary Bitcoin: The End Of Money As We Know It (2015). Follow us on Twitter @TheEndOfMoney and Facebook and please rate us on imdb. The full film is available on iTunes, Amazon and Vimeo On Demand where you can purchase the download version. We also publish parts of the film on our Facebook page.
10 Reasons Bitcoin Price will Destroy All Time Highs in 2017
2017/02/09 に公開
Analysis on all the fundamental and Technical reasons I personally believe will take the Bitcoin price
well beyond its all time highs in 2017. Video Contents as follows
1) War On Cash – 1:26
2) Gold Bitcoin Price Parity – 3:49
3) Institutional investment – 6:12
4) Bitcoin & Japan – 7:36
5) Scaling Segregated Witness – 8:56
6) Demise of Blockchain Hype 10:45
7) Trump Presidency – 12:28
8) China Time Bomb –14:58
9) Bond Apocalypse –17:38
10) Bullish Technicals – 19:44
11) Price Prediction – 22:18
Intro music: Vestron Vulture -New Wave Hookers
All content on or published by the ‘Renegade Investor’ website is provided for informational purposes only. ‘Renegade Investor’ assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; However, the content of this video is provided without any warranty express or implied and we do not guarantee its accuracy. No material here constitutes ‘Investment Advice’ nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument including but not limited to cryptocurrencies, bullion, stocks, commodities, options, bonds, futures. Actions you undertake as a consequence of any analysis, opinion or advertisement in this video are your sole responsibility. Any person considering an investment should seek independent advice from a qualified Independent financial advisor on the suitability or otherwise of a particular investment.
Bitcoin News – Bitcoin Explained In Details
Bitcoin News – After the announcement of Brexit on June 24th, all financial markets dropped. All? NO! The value of bitcoin, a fully decentralized cryptocurrency, skyrockets, earning 9%. Buy bitcoins at: https://goo.gl/OktYR5 and receive $10 bitcoins as a bonus!!
“… Bitcoin is better than currency …” says Mr. Bill Gates!!
How Bitcoin Works in 5 Minutes (Technical)
A short introduction to how Bitcoin Works. Want more? Check out my new in-depth course on the latest in Bitcoin, Blockchain, and a survey of the most exciting projects coming out (Ethereum, etc): https://app.pluralsight.com/library/c…
Lots of demos on how to buy, send, store (hardware, paper wallet). how to use javascript to send bitcoin. How to create Ethereum Smart Contract, much more.
This Is Why Rothschild Banks Fear Bitcoin
Bitcoin seems unstoppable, topping $1,800 for the first time on 9th of May 2017.
Is it too late to get involved in Bitcoin? Definitely not.
Start buying and trade Bitcoin here: https://goo.gl/rEIKC3 or here https://goo.gl/x5Td2I and get free Bitcoins!
Support this channel | Bitcoin address: 14vzVBTvYvoeKeAGkErGDd3tjGgGexfQyj
Bitcoin has been making gains since April and is rallying in London having risen over 33 per cent in 30 days, according to the Coindesk bitcoin price index.
“Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be, it is better than currency because you don’t have to be in the same place and of course for large transactions currency can be inconvenient.” – Bill Gates
“The Japanese have recently warmed their approach towards bitcoin by treating it legally as a form of payment – a ratification and bringing into the regulatory fold. China’s clampdown on exchanges can also be seen as a positive move for the industry too.” said Charles Hayter.
Bitcoin recently has shrugged off China restricting trade, the SEC’s rejecting of the two bitcoin ETFs, and threats from developers to create a “hard fork” that would split the cryptocurrency in two.
Bitcoin was created in 2009 and has a current Market Capitalization of $29,753,633,028.
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