山元学校 特別顧問 濱田文雄さま(元警視総監)
(190人用会場で60~70人の参加予定) ____________________________
日時 2023年6月21日(水曜日) 18:00~21:30
_______________________________________________________ 18:00~18:17 スタッフ入場 ★会場準備★ コロナ対策・消毒・マスク・間隔 ____________________________
① 皆さんの応援団長 朝妻久美さん クミッチェル Ms.Kumi Asazuma,Everyone’s Cheerleader& Organizer
② 受付 事務局 Chief receptionist(受付経理も)・Omoikane Books 1名
石川博信さん 岩瀬貴之さん ★浄法寺 亘(わたる)★ Mr.Hironobu Ishikawa, Mr.Takayuki Iwase, ★Mr. Wataru Jouhouji★
➂ Receptionest Ms Maki Ganaha)名簿作成・名刺 我那覇舞輝さん)
④ 利久さま Receptionest(受付) (Mr.Rikyu Kumei, Designer&Calligrapher) (デザイナー書家)
⑤ 写真担当 Yonemoto Mitsue さん (日本アスリートウォーキング認定講師)
Japan Athlete Walking Certified Lecturer)
⑥ ライブ撮影 高山遊喜さん Mr.Yuuki Takayama, live photography
⑦ 司会・タイムキーパー 森 里香さん Moderator/Timekeeper Ms.Rika Mori, (蓮 徳花)
⑧ 南篠梨沙さん 英語担当 Ms.Risa Nanjo (English Interpreter)
⑨ 藤井亜矢子さん フランス語担当 Ms.Ayako Fujii、French Interpreter
⑩ 岩崎弘治さん パソコン担当(写真左端)Mr.Koji Iwasaki, Computor Operation
★会場設定★ 皆様手伝ってください。Everybody help ro set up the venue
我が家の花 My Garden Flowers
2.場所 文京シビックセンター 4階 シビックホール 東京都文京区春日1‐16‐21 電話 03-5803-1100
★最寄駅 2つの駅から地下で繋がっています。 ① 丸の内線と南北線の後楽園駅 ② 三田線/大江戸線・春日駅 ___________________________
Bunkyo Civic Center 26th Floor Sky Hall, Directly connected from ① Korakuen Station, Marunouchi Line, ② Kasuga Station of Mita Line & Oedo Line. ___________________________
★ 18 :00 開場 (★顔パス厳禁) __________________________________________________
3. ★参加費★ 当日受付で支払い。Participation fee payable at the venue
① スピーカーの方々&一般参加者 今回より「お一人3000円」 ☆Speaker & Other attendants to pay Yen3000.-
② 学生の方々 2000円 高校生 1000円 ☆☆University Students Yen 2,000.- High School Student Yen 1,000.-
➂ 留学生・中学生・小学生以下無料扱い ☆☆Free for Overseas Students, Middle School,Primary School ④ 各国大使と国会議員は 特別ご招待 Ambassador staying in Japan $ Member of Parliament
⑤ ★スタッフの方々 1000円★ Staff Yen 1,000.- ____________________
★① 18:18~18:20 山元学校活動報告
Japan Mission to Palestine & Israel柴田リエールさんの未来へTo Go!! (山元学校で話していること) Ms.Rieir Shibata’ Mirai(Future) to Go ! (ご参考)なお初めの15分はリエールさんの事業のご紹介です。
★② 18:21~18:23 ご挨拶 (2分)山元学長 Headmaster Yamamoto Greeting _________________________
★➂ 18:24~18:34(10分)参加者1分x7名
自己紹介スピーチAttendants Self Introduction、1 minutes x 7
★④ 18:35~18:55 (15分+5分)塩崎 明子さま ㈱みそら社長 Ms.Akiko Shiozaki, President, Misora Co.,Ltd. ____________________________
命つながる家系図 時を越え「200年超の命つながる家系図」 の贈り物を。家系図制作&先祖ルーツ調査をしています。
A family tree that leads to life A gift of “a family tree that leads to life for over 200 years” over time. I am doing family tree creation and ancestral root research.
https://www.misora.biz/ プロフィール・デジタルクリエイター 家系図で贈る『ありがとう』【命つながる家系図】 代表取締役 中央大学 (日本) 総合政策学科に在学あり。静岡県 袋井市在住
★⑤ 18:56~19:06 (10分)(株)トモニ 社長 小長谷 明さま _________________________________________________________________________
Mr.Akira Konagaya, who developped and selling Organic tea leaves, organic powdered green tea, organic brown rice tea. Organic green tea supplement Organic green tea cosmetics, Organic green tea beverage Organic green tea candy,Organic green tea fermented cream
有機茶葉 有機粉末緑茶 有機玄米茶。 有機緑茶サプリメント 有機緑茶化粧品。 有機緑茶飲料 有機緑茶キャンディー。有機緑茶発酵クリーム
★ ⑥ 19:07~19:17 (10分)ステップアップ塾 塾長 濱松敏廣さま (ひとり親家庭の子供たちの無料塾) __________________________________________________________________________
貧困・ネグレクト・学級崩壊~様々な事情により満足に教育を 受けられない子供たちの為、週一度、個別指導の塾を開講。更に無料の夕食 つき。授業をする講師と子供たちに夕食をつくる調理は全ての助っ人によって 支えられている(日本テレビ東野幸治) 「日本での役割と今後の展望」について
Poverty, Neglect, and Collapse of the Classroom: Satisfactory education due to various circumstances In addition, a free dinner is included. Cooking to prepare dinner for the lecturer and the children is supported by all helpers (Koji Higashino, NTV)
★⑦ 19:18~19:38(20分)浅野大介さま 経済産業省 政策局産業資金課長 投資機構室長 大臣官房 web3.0政策推進室長
Mr.Daisuke Asano, Ministry of Economy, Trade and “Minister’s Secretariat”,
Web3.0 Policy Promotion Office Director
★⑧ 19:39~20:04 イスラエル元大使 Mr.Eli Cohen (25分) ______________________________________________________________
伊勢神宮に見られるイスラエルと日本の類似点とは?− Former Israeli Ambassador to Japan saw a Similarity connection between Israel and japan at Ise shrine (1949年5月29日)
エルサレム出身のイスラエルの政治家。軍人。聖職者。武道家。 (2004年から2007年駐日イスラエル大使)現アリエル大学学長。
Origin/military career Born in Jerusalem to a Jewish priest’s family. His parents are returnees from Tunisia who belong to the lineage of priests. He belongs to the Sephardim. When he grew up, he went to Hebrew University, majoring in mathematics and physics. He later earned an MBA from the University of Thames Valley in England.
After he joined the Israel Defense Forces, he fought in the Fourth Middle East War and the first Lebanon War. He is currently a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve. After a career in politics and company management, he served as deputy mayor of Amare Adumim, the largest city in the West Bank. He ran for national office from Likud where he was elected in 2002. He was appointed Israeli ambassador to Japan in 2004 on the recommendation of Foreign Minister Shirvan Shalom, whose parents are returnees from Tunisia.
出自・軍歴 エルサレムにユダヤ教の司祭の家庭に生まれる。父母は何れも司祭の家系に 属しチュニジアからの帰還者。セファルディムに属する。長じて、ヘブライ大学に進み、 数学・物理学を専攻。後に英国テムズバレー大学でMBA取得。イスラエル国防軍に入隊後、 第4次中東戦争や最初のレバノン,戦争に参戦。現在は同軍予備役・中佐。政治経歴、会社 経営を経て、ヨルダン川西岸最大の都市・アマレ・アドゥミーム副市長を務める。リクード から国政へ出馬2002年当選。2004年にチュニジアから帰還者を父母にもつ「シルバン・ シャローム外相」の勧めで駐日イスラエル大使に就任。
The depth of his knowledge of Japan is comparable to that of former president Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan, and the Kenmu Restoration conducted by Emperor Godaigo is called the “Kenmu Restoration”. Although he is not a so-called Japanese homogeneity theorist who claims that the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel are Japanese, he is closer to that.
In response to the debate on the revision of the Imperial House Law at the end of the Koizumi Cabinet, the priests of Judaism were inherited by men for generations. He took the position that lineage succession should be the way of Japan. On the other hand, the unanimous culture represented by the Liberal Democratic Party’s General Council has expressed discomfort. A welcome party was held by the security company Teikei when he was appointed ambassador. Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays in the fall 2018 conferment of decorations.
コーヘンと日本との関係はイスラエル国防軍及びヘブライ大学在学 時に護身用として学んだ空手訓練を通じて深まる。空手は5段・ 黒帯の腕前で、イスラエル松涛館空手道協会名誉会長であり、 また、剣術・居合道の4段でもある。
Cohen’s relationship with Japan deepened through the Israeli Defense Forces and through karate training, which he learned at the Hebrew University and sometimes for self-defense. He is a 5th dan black belt in karate, honorary president of the Israel Shotokan Karate Association, and a 4th dan in kenjutsu and iaido.
日本に対する教養の深さは台湾の李登輝・元総統に匹敵するほどで、 後醍醐天皇が行った建武の新政については「建武の中興」と称す。 イスラエルの失われた10部族の末裔が日本人だとするいわゆる日猶 同祖論者ではないが、それに近い「日猶同質論者」である。 小泉内閣末期に論議となった皇室典範改正論議に対しては、 ユダヤ教の祭司が代々・男子継承であることから男系継承が日本の 在り方との立場をとっていた。その一方で自民党の総務会に代表される 全会一致の文化は,違和感を表明している。 大使就任時に警備会社・テイケイが歓迎 パーティーを開催。 2018年秋の叙勲で旭日重光章を受章。
The depth of his knowledge of Japan is comparable to that of former president Lee Teng-hui of Taiwan, and the Kenmu Restoration conducted by Emperor Godaigo is called the “Kenmu Restoration”. Although he is not a so-called Japanese homogeneity theorist who claims that the descendants of the ten lost tribes of Israel are Japanese, he is closer to that.
In response to the debate on the revision of the Imperial House Law at the end of the Koizumi Cabinet, the priests of Judaism were inherited by men for generations. He took the position that lineage succession should be the way of Japan. On the other hand, the unanimous culture represented by the Liberal Democratic Party’s General Council has expressed discomfort. A welcome party was held by the security company Teikei when he was appointed ambassador. Received the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays in the fall 2018 conferment of decorations.
★⑨ 20:05~ 20:18 (13分)★藤田裕行さま 国際ジャーナリスト(二宮報徳連合)
Mr.Hiroyuki Fujita, international journalist ________________________________________
International journalist and translator. Born in Tokyo in 1961. He is a Professional Associate of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan. He serves on the board of many organizations, including representative of the Ninomiya Hotoku Federation, director of the Japan Conference Tokyo Headquarters, and secretary general of the Association for the Spread of Accurate Knowledge of Radiation. He is a former editorial writer for Kokumin Shimbun. He dropped out of Sophia University’s Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of Comparative Culture. He has worked as an interpreter for overseas news coverage, translation of subtitles, and broadcast writer for Nippon Television, TV Tokyo, and Nippon Broadcasting System. At the 10,000 people rally for constitutional revision at the Nippon Budokan, I acted as a simultaneous English interpreter for Prime Minister Abe, Yoshiko Sakurai, and Naoki Hyakuta.
★⑩ 20:19~20:29(10分)飯島敬一さま 神門ラボ所長 神門メソッド (自律神経調律師)アカデミー学長 Director of Shinmon Lab, President of Shinmon Method (autonomic nervous system tuner) Academy ______________________________
★⑪ 20:30~20:38(8分)参加者自己紹介1分x5名 Attendants Self Instroduction
★⑫20:39~20:49 (10分)稲木幹也さん(株)ラフ•ダイアモンド 代表取締役 __________________________________
/PRESIDENT STATION®︎(株)日本健康経営 顧問/価値創造コンサルタント/ 研究開発アドバイザー/環境マネジメント He tells funny stories.
CEO of Rough Diamond Co., Ltd./PRESIDENT STATION®︎ Chief Producer, Japan Health Management Advisor /Value Creation Consultant/R&D Advisor/Environmental Management
⑬ ★20:50~21:00(10分) 高谷秀司さま Mr.Hideshi Takatani 世界的ギタリスト 四天王寺39代当主 ________________________________________
Guitarist & Composer Guitarist, Takatani was born in Osaka 1956,After visited the United States in 1985, He played with Larry Carlton and Duke Jordan. He formed Soul Mates with Masa Oye in 2002. They had been to Europe and America tour, and They played with Jean-Jacques Milteau and Paul Brown. They was acclaimed in performances, “Japan Festival” at Sydney Opera House, “Fete de la Musique”sponsored by French Embassy, “Jazz in Geidai” in Tokyo University of the Arts 120th Anniversary, and so on. Takatani play for “Daiginjyou” with Houzan Yamamoto, Living National Treasure of Japan too. He play with David Matthews in “G2 New York Recordings”. In January 2010 over the LA, He played in the world’s largest musical trument appeared NAMM. And he has been to Australia to convey Japanese culture tour in May, and named G2us will release “FURUSATO- mother place” in July. Musical expression and fine and delicate approach that continues to attract audiences America and Europe, all over the world.
四天王寺39代目現当主(日本最古の官寺)一般社団法人 厩戸ノ華頂 代表 NPO法人 再チャレンジ東京 いじめ・自殺防止国民運動本部 理事・企画室長
★⑭ 21:01~21:02(1分) 山元雅信 まとめ _________________________________________________________________________
「まとめ」と「次回山元学校」について Next Yamamoto Gakko H. E. Waleed Siam, Palestine expected 「2023年7月21日(金)」18~21時半@文京シビックセンター __________________________________________________________ ★⑮ 21:03~21:12 集合写真 (9分)「撮影」 Yamamoto Gakko Group Photo to be taken 前列に集まってください。 _________________________________
★⑯ 21:13~21:30(17分)かたずけ退出 Clearing up and closing the venue 名刺交換は 1階のホールで。 Business cards can be exchanged in the hall on the 1st floor.
(1) 机上の資料持ち帰り (2) 机&椅子・会場かたずけ _______________________
★⑰ 21:45~22:45 近くのサイゼリアで懇親会 Social gathering at nearby Saizeriya (各自払い2000円)以上