Bill Gatesさんのお話は示唆に富む。
The story of BILL GATES is suggestive.
Four years ago, Bill Gates learned the importance of preparing for the threat of plague. I listened three times. Fight against bacteria. He looks back at the Ebola fever and past epidemic outbreaks. This is a pandemic.
Let’s take a closer look at world history again. He emphasizes that it is important to be prepared regularly. He thinks that there is a possibility of “bioterrorism”. I will study.
At the same time, it is important for countries around the world to cooperate and control. Japan has been banned from going out, so let’s study hard. No more casualties. Recognize the lockdown and significance of cities and nations.
① How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates 1,566,333 回視聴 2020/03/26 TED チャンネル登録者数 1650万人 登録済み
② ビル・ゲイツ: もし次の疫病大流行(アウトブレイク)が来たら?私たちの準備はまだ出来ていない
In 2014, the world was able to escape Ebola’s horrible further outbreak. Thanks to the efforts of thousands of healthcare professionals who are willing to sacrifice-and, frankly, simply because they were very lucky. Looking back, we know we should have done more.
アウトブレイクのシナリオに沿った計画立案からワクチンの開発、そして医療従事者達のトレーニング―ビル・ゲイツは今こそがあらゆる最善の方法やアイデアを実現する時だと訴えます。 「パニックに陥る必要はありません―でも今、始めなければならないのです。」
From planning outbreak scenarios to developing vaccines and training healthcare professionals-Bill Gates calls now the time to implement all the best methods and ideas. “You don’t have to panic-but you have to start now.”
③ Alanna Shaikhさんのお話は詳細だ。
在庫管理も最小限にとどめるという従来の考え方は このような場合に逆に作用して、在庫がすぐに枯渇してしまう脅威があることを指摘している。
The conventional idea of minimizing inventory management points out that there is a threat that inventory can be quickly depleted in such cases. What attitude. counter-measure. Be prepared for a crisis.