Let’s see “Area51&UFO” エリア51とは?克己心より好奇心 200121(Tue)

Curiosity guides you to the challenge. If you’re curious enough, you will never be exhausted


天体、宇宙、UFO、Area 51, 賢者の話を聴いてみよう。自然に英語の勉強にもなる。


Towards the search for life on other earths | Sara Seager | TEDxCoconutGrove

121,007 回視聴 2015/03/03 TEDx Talks 登録者数 2270万人
Sara Seager examines her pursuit of an Earth Twin. Looking at Earth from the perspective of outer space may allow us to recognize and to identify characteristics of life that may be present in outer space.
She offers a look into her “squiggly line” science that may be the key to recognizing Earth Twins outside our solar system.
Professor Sara Seager is a planetary scientist and astrophysicist. She has been a pioneer in the vast and unknown world of exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun.
Her ground-breaking research ranges from the detection of exoplanet atmospheres to innovative theories about life on other worlds to development of novel space mission concepts.
Now, dubbed an “astronomical Indiana Jones”, she is on a quest after the field’s holy grail, the discovery of a true Earth twin.
Dr. Seager earned her PhD from Harvard University and is now the Class of 1941 Professor of Planetary Science and Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Professor Seager is a 2013 MacArthur Fellow and was named in Time Magazine’s 25 Most Influential in Space in 2012.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx



Will Earthlings Find ET? | Dan Werthimer | TEDxSFState

741,343 回視聴 2016/12/10  TEDx Talks 登録者 2270万人
Berkeley Chief SETI Scientist Dan Werthimer discusses the possibility of intelligent life in the universe and how Earthlings could detect other civilizations.
Dan presents the new $100M Breakthrough Listen project, as well as the SETI@home project, which analyzes data from the world’s largest radio telescope using desktop computers and cell phones from millions of volunteers.
Dan Werthimer was in the Homebrew Computer Club with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak; everyone in the Homebrew Club became ultra-rich except Dan.
Dan is currently chief scientist of SETI@home, Breakthrough Listen, and several SETI programs at the University of California, Berkeley. Werthimer also directs the Center for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research (CASPER), and is associate director of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC).
Werthimer was an associate professor in the engineering and physics departments of San Francisco State University and a visiting professor at Beijing Normal University, the University of St. Charles in Marseille, and Eotvos University in Budapest.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx



CIA元職員スノーデン 「地底人」発言 は捏造だった スノーデンは地底人がいると言ってない

1,546,157 回視聴 2014/07/11  Minakata2019 チャンネル登録者数 1.46万人



角由紀子(TOCANA編集長) 【陰謀コーナーベストセレクション】62,988 回視聴 2019/10/30 にライブ配信

Dave Fromm Channel チャンネル登録者数 2.5万人 #ポッドキャスト #都市伝説 #TOCANA




幻解!超常ファイル「検証!宇宙のUFO疑惑映像 NASAの陰謀!?(2)」2015 02 21

1,052,115 回視聴 2015/04/28  ミステリー超常現象 チャンネル登録者数 4070人




336,100 回視聴 2018/12/01  トップランキング
人類の想像力の限界を考えたとき、エリア51(フィフティワン)のことを忘れてはいけません。 ネバダ州南部に位置する、数平方キロメートルに広がる何も目立つところのない砂漠地帯は、アメリカ軍が柵で囲ったというだけで、地球上最も謎で有名な場所として知られるようになりました。
1955年に基地が設置されて以来、この場所を巡ってさまざまな推測や噂、疑惑、陰謀説が取り巻いてきました。 ホワイトハウスは2013年にようやく基地の存在を認めましたが、そこで何が行われているのかということに関して詳しいことは一切述べられませんでした。
今日は、エリア51に関する謎の出来事7選をお届けしたいと思います。 ボイド・ブッシュマン氏による告白 タイムトラベル ハイテク偵察機 近代テクノロジー 気象操作 人類に潜む宇宙人 姿を消す技術



THE RAID – Official Area 51 Documentary

1,280,178 回視聴 2019/09/23   TheTekkitRealm チャンネル登録者数 53.7万人
THE RAID – Official Area 51 Documentary For years a particular place deep within the south Nevada desert has been adorned in mystery and secrecy. A place so remote and unacceptable, that no one in there right mind would ever try to seek it out. Until now.



幻解!超常 ファイル・スペシャル「謎の超古代文明を徹底解明!」2015年6月13日  4,020,692 回視聴

2015/08/08  Hyo Glass チャンネル登録者数 7260人
怪しい説の真相を、考古学の専門家たちと徹底ガチンコ検証!-rc comşng son dont forget like thank you very much



