中国の一帯一路が進む中。日本と中国の間は どのようなことがなされているのか?? もう一度お浚いしてみよう。
このまま なすがままで 良いのか? 真剣に考えて見よう。映像を見てみると分かるように もう中国から
日本は 買われてしまったような印象も受けるが??? それで良いのか?? 全国の状況を見てみよう。
聞いてはいたが こんな状態になっている。
Bloomberg Markets and Finance 2017/05/25 チャンネル登録 21万
222. 【Front Japan 桜】習近平の MADE IN CHINA 2025 / 一帯一路と日中関係 / アフリカ、太平洋諸国を狙う中国“債務の罠”[桜H30/9/4]
56,561 回視聴 SakuraSoTV 2018/09/04 チャンネル登録 27万
気鋭のキャスター陣が、ますます混迷を深める日本の現状や国際情勢を読み解くべく、日本最前線(Front Japan)の気概で、日々のニュースや時事のほか、様々なテーマについて取り上げ、日本が進むべき正道を追求します! キャスター:福島香織・宮崎正弘 ■ ニュースPick Up
・アフリカ、太平洋諸国を狙う中国“債務の罠” ・抗日記念日に中国最高指導部欠席~対日関係を考慮か ・トランプ氏「真珠湾」発言報道~ジョークがフェイクニュースに ■ 習近平の MADE IN CHINA 2025 ■ 一帯一路と日中関係 ※チャンネル桜では、自由且つ独立不羈の放送を守るため、『日本文化チャンネル桜二千人委員会』の会員を募集しております。以下のページでご案内申し上げておりますので、全国草莽の皆様のご理解、ご協力を、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。 ◆チャンネル桜公式HP
333. USA vs China Empires at War – BBC
Straight Documentaries 2018/10/28
「THE FACT」 マスコミが報道しない「事実」を世界に伝える番組 2018/06/23 チャンネル登録 8.7万
555. 【中国経済崩壊】中国国有企業の「負債はケタ違い」、その額1396兆8750億円/衝撃の欧米リポート!負債はユダヤ資本か?!!(2018 8 9) 世界のきになる一日 2018/08/09 に公開
444.② 北朝鮮は前哨戦② 中国の覇権主義に日本はどう対処すべきか【ザ・ファクト×元陸将・用田和仁氏】
「THE FACT」 マスコミが報道しない「事実」を世界に伝える 2018/06/23 に公開
666.【衝撃】日本が空母を建造したら海上自衛隊は世界一になれるのか? 中国を一瞬で黙らせた米軍の空母打撃軍の実力とどっちが強い? 驚愕の真相!『海外の反応』
TheXDeaglex 2018/01/01
777. 中国の国防動員法
888.人知れず進む中国の「日本領土買収計画」【THE FACT REPORT】
182,143 回視聴 「THE FACT」 マスコミが報道しない「事実」を世界に伝える番組 2017/09/29 チャンネル登録 8.7万
日本と世界情勢ちゃんねる 2018/06/05 国際非常事態 中国の一帯一路にASEAN諸国が気づいた! 【中国】一帯一路 ➡ スリランカを借金漬けにして港を奪い、今度は空港か!! スリランカ財務相が債務危機に向かっているとの認識を示す!!
NTDTVJP 2018/11/26 チャンネル登録 3.9万
102. China’s BRI Takeover. A Warning for The Asia Pacific Region. From The Anonymous Charity [CC ON ]
Anonymous 2018/11/26
A Pentagon report released last month that said China was likely training for air strikes against US and allied targets will have brought China’s emerging power projection capabilities into the Pacific into stark and urgent relief among policymakers in Washington. The report indicates these training flights are also designed to influence island nations in the South Pacific, where China’s advance southward is already viewed with concern by the US.
“With a strong foothold in the [South China Sea] now, China can project military power across the Pacific Islands at a time when its fishing fleets are also increasing their presence there,” said Ben Bohane, a Vanuatu-based reporter who has written extensively about Beijing’s growing presence across Oceania.
China’s bases in the South China Sea’s Spratly and Paracel island chains, from which Peoples Liberation Army Air Force strategic bombers can reach well into Oceania, now back Beijing’s economic and political ambitions in various Pacific Islands like Samoa and Tonga. For example, China have provided the island nation of Samoa will hundreds of millions of dollars worth of infrastructure and bank loans to ‘fund’ development.

It will be impossible for a country like Samoa, run by a proven corrupt Prime Minister, to fulfill it’s loan obligations. Right now, as this report is being made, a brand new airport is being built in Samoa, a country where, per head of population, there is absolutely no need for it. At all. Yes, it’s backed by China. You see, even small loans go a long way in countries like Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea, but the ability to repay or negotiate refinancing is testing Pacific governments who must now make politically unpopular decisions to service the debts.
That pressure is clearly being felt in Nauru, one of the smallest of the Pacific region’s states. It butted heads with China recently as it hosted the Pacific Island Forum, an intergovernmental organization that aims to enhance regional cooperation. The clash was ostensibly over a perceived as over-demanding China delegation, but the brouhaha also spoke to the frustration many states feel with China as it aggressively ramps up pressure on individual Pacific states to cut their diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

Nauru President Baron Waqa refused to allow China’s representative to address the forum ahead of the prime minister of Tuvalu. Both Tuvalu and Nauru have maintained ties with Taiwan despite Beijing’s pressures. Waqa said China’s lead diplomat, Du Qiwen, had been “very insolent” and a “bully”, according to a Reuters report of the incident. After demanding an apology, Waqa said “from this meeting in Nauru, going forward, we will not allow this kind of behavior in our Pacific meeting space,” the report said.
These tensions seem set to escalate as the first round of repayments come due for relatively massive infrastructure loans Pacific nations have taken out with China. In September 2018, Tonga began a repayment schedule for a US$115 million loan from China to redevelop infrastructure in its capital Nuku’alofa and expand infrastructure in rural parts of the island. For China, the US$115 million loan is barely a rounding error in its estimated US$1 trillion BRI budget. For Tonga, however, it’s almost one-third of its annual gross domestic product and will double the island’s national debt load