縄文を調べている内に やはり、この一連の映像をあげるべきかと思った。
UFOの存在や これまでの信じられない古代の技術レベルを高さを
知るにつれて 否定できなくなって来たからだ。
SFを子供のころから 大好きで SF小説は学生時代に嵌まっていた。
SF映画も 長年 好んで、わくわくドキドキしながら 見ていた。
さあ 普通のこととして 私たちも そろそろ未来に備えたい。
吉と出るか 凶と出るか? いずれにしても どうとらえるかは
自分次第。私の人生も凶と出たが だから、かえって良かったんだと
★星自体の誕生から 爆発まで寿命がある。
当然 高度の文明を誇った宇宙に生きる人々は 他の星に渡って
さあ 私たち現代に生きる地球人。どういう姿勢で未来に
立ち向かおうか ?
未来の子供たちの為にも 一肌脱ごうぜ ?
シュメールとアヌンナキから考える学説、宇宙人アヌンナキによる超古代文明が南アフリカで、アスペルガー・ADHDはアヌンナキとも関連が… 世界の謎、不思議ニュースチャンネル
2017/12/21 チャンネル登録 5.5万
Ancient Astronaut Archive 2018/07/27 チャンネル登録 14万
Academia deems Sitchin is wrong, yet with each passing day it seems scientific and archaeological discoveries serve to bolster the veracity of Sitchin’s thesis while those same discoveries are causing the academics to rewrite their textbooks. This presentation is an updated remastered version of a video the Archive released a few years back. The second half includes a brand-new exclusive interview with Alessandro Demontis where he analyzes the veracity of Sitchin’s translations and the errors of Michael Heiser. The Nibiru Truth: https://youtu.be/FsKl80XIRfE INFO: _____ Thank you for viewing this presentation. The Archive appreciates your time and encourages you to explore our channel. Website: http://www.ancientastronautarchive.com
333. History of the Pleiadian and Anunnaki Wars – 2000BC
1,145,232 回視聴 OOWK MEDIA 2017/12/19
チャンネル登録 6.6万
Website – https://cnhv.co/17pni Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4064105 Amazon Audible Free 30 Day Trial – https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B… Four thousand years ago, I would not have had to tell you this, since if you lived in those times you would have been taught this in school, but 4000 years of a powerful directed misinformation campaign, have taken their toll, and it’ll take me some effort here, to clarify some basics for you. The Sumerian civilization is the oldest known human civilization on Earth. their gods were called the Anunnaki, which in Sumerian means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”. It blossomed out almost overnight, around 3800 BC, in Mesopotamia, the land between the two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, and came to a sudden end in 2024 BC, when it was laid waste by a deadly radioactive cloud, brought by easterly winds from the Sinai peninsula, where according to some ancient records,, a nuclear war took place. the huge black scar in the face of the Earth, in the southeastern part of the Sinai peninsula, and the blackened stones that show signs, of being instantly melted by extreme intense heat. There is more evidence. New Trading Card Game – http://www.makeplayingcards.com/sell/… Google has put a bell on our page so our followers will not only have to subscribe but click the bell too or they will never get notifications when we have a new video thanks. Earth’s Top Predator – The Reptilians – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1520232918 Donald Marshall Revolution – http://amzn.to/2tYo4Kf Interesting news and documentaries brought to you weekly. https://gogetfunding.com/oowk-media-o…
444.Jomon Ainu = Anunnaki Theory
縄文アイヌ=アヌンナキ説by はやし浩司Hiroshi Hayashi,
Hamamatsu city, Japan Hiroshi Hayashi 2017/11/28
チャンネル登録 3.5万
We have another history, hidden behind secret, which has been warped since the beginning days of the humans’ history. 私たち人間には、人間がまだ知らない、隠されたもうひとつの歴史がある。 Social Consciousness com writes as follows: Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left our many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. I, Hiroshi Hayashi, will present you one of the hundreds of facts I have discovered here in this video. A fact about Leonardo da Vinci. 社会意識・コム・サイトは、つぎのように書いています。 私たちの歴史は、私たちが思っているようなものではない、と。 つまり私たちの歴史は、過去数千年もの間、捻じ曲げられてきた。 人間の歴史は、現実に合わせるため、誤訳され、変えられ、手が加えられ、捻じ曲げられてきた。 そしてその結果、説明できないものを、そのままにしてきた。 私たちは今こそ、もう一方の側にある歴史に目を向けるべきではんないのか。
Japan Land is Birthplace of Whole Civilizations
チャンネル登録 3.5万
1034(1033改) History of Gods+Japan-Land is the Birthplace of Whole Civilizations(神々の歴史+日本がすべての文明の発祥地であった) Origin of Humans by Z. Sitchin, Enki vs. Enlil(シッチン説による人間の起源、エンキとエンリル) Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司 And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east,…. The God of Israel is Jehovah the Father, the covenant God of literal Israel; 見ろ、イスラエルの神の栄光は、東洋(the East)からやってきた。イスラエルの神はエホバ(Jehovah)、すなわち、父なるイスラエルの神である。(エゼキエルEzekiel 43:2) Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司 Jomon Period in Japan is the dawn-time for all civilizations of the world. First all Gods came down onto this Japan-Land and it was beginning of the history for humans. 縄文時代は、世界の文明の夜明けだった。世界の神々は、まずこの日本の地に降り立った。それが世界のはじまりだった。なぜこの日本には、遮光土偶をはじめ、宇宙服の遺物が多いのか。私たちはまずその謎解きから始めるべきではないのか。 Ahura Mazda (or his subject with his authority) came to Idoziri, Nagano, Japan Mystery of Do-ki and Do-gu(Earthenware and Clay Figures in Japan) 縄文文明の謎(縄文土器・土偶の謎) Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan. Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians, and ALL! どなたもアイデア、理論の盗用、流用、転用はできません。とくにマスコミ関係の方は、固く禁じます。No one can use my ideas and theories in any case. はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi Taka-san Ransuke Aug. 31th , 2014 2014年08月31日