HYGGE(ヒュッゲ)とは? しあわせな時間を大切に 171121(Tue)

日本にもくる?欧米でブーム「ヒュッゲ」とは デンマーク流の癒やし時間に皆夢中。The New York Times

おうちにこもって、幸せをむさぼるという最高のぜいたく(写真:Halfpoint / PIXTA)デンマーク語で「居心地がいい時間や空間」という意味の言葉ヒュッゲ。それが英国や米国のライフスタイル業界で新たなブームを起こしつつある。



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Forget Your Troubles, Come On, Get Hygge Danes are the happiest people in the world. They say they get there with hygge – coziness. We’ll ask how that works.



The Ten Keys to Happier Living | Vanessa King | TEDxStPeterPort

What are the active ingredients for a happier and fulfilling life? Positive psychology, happiness and resilience expert, Vanessa King of Action for Happiness, unlocks the Ten Keys to Happier Living. The areas science shows we can most easily take action – for ourselves and to contribute to a happier world. A talk to share!

Vanessa King is a leading expert on the practical application of the science of happiness, resilience and wellbeing in our everyday lives, communities and in organisations. She regularly speaks all around the world on topics such as: Why Happiness Matters, Why Happiness is a Serious Business, How to Build your Resilience, 5 Questions about Happiness, Simple Skills for Psychological Wellbeing, and the 10 Keys to Happier Living.
Vanessa is a Board Member and Lead Positive Psychology and Workplace Expert for Action for Happiness


The Dark Side of Happiness | Meik Wiking | TEDxCopenhagen

While Denmark has been regularly awarded the rewarding title of “Happiest Country in the World” over the past few years, it also suffers on the happiness-suicide paradox, an hypothesis that Meik Wiking presents as a correlation between happy countries and high suicide rates.

★デンマークが世界一幸せな国と言われるが、そうではない現実がある。Meik Wiking が真摯に語る。自殺率も高い。幸せ度が高い国は、同時に自殺率も高いのだ。なぜそうなるのか? 社会のひずみ。暗い面が出るのか?

ギャップを埋めるに、どうすれば? 浮かれている場合ではない。しあわせとはなにか? もう一度、考えよう。

Through a series of metrics and statistics, Meik Wiking helps us measure well-being inequalities that lead to gaps between happiness and unhappiness indices. While most research focuses on happiness and quality of life, Meik invites us to reflect upon the other end of those numbers.

Meik Wiking heads the Happiness Research Institute which gathers knowledge and theories on what defines happiness and life quality.

Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, an independent think tank exploring why some societies are happier than others. He has recently published the book Lykken under lup – en opdagelsesrejse i lykkeforskningens verden (Happiness under the magnifying glass: a journey into the world of happiness research). With a background in political science and business, Meik has previously worked on sustainability for the think tank Mandag Morgen.

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バイキングはちょうど、著書『リトル・ブック・オブ・ヒュッゲ(The Little Book of Hygge)』の宣伝のために数カ国を回る旅から戻ったところだった。この本はすでに英国でベストセラーになっており、米国でもこの1月に発売になる。いまやひとつのジャンルになった「ヒュッゲ本」の中でも、最も魅力的な1冊かもしれない。

NBC News journalist Mariana Atencio has traveled the world from Haiti to Hong Kong. In her TEDx talk, Mariana tells us how the people she’s met along the way and her own immigrant experience have taught her that the only thing we all have in common is being human. Get ready to ‘get human’ and embrace what makes you different! Take a stand to defend your race: the human race!

Mariana Atencio is a Peabody Award-winning journalist, currently a national correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC. The Huffington Post called her ‘our Latina Christiane Amanpour’ and Jorge Ramos wrote: ‘Mariana is the next-gen voice for Latinos breaking all barriers.’ Mariana is known for combining in-studio work and high profile interviews like Pope Francis, with tenacious field reporting all over the world, covering youth-led protests in places like Ferguson, Mexico, Haiti and Hong Kong.

 2017/02/02 に公開


The Year of Hygge, the Danish Obsession with Getting Cozy 今年はHyggeの年。居心地よさを求めるデンマーク人のこだわり。ノルウェー時代の暖炉の薪の火を思いだす。

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TEDxNCSU – Jeffrey Huber – The Danes: What We Can Learn from the Happiest People On Earth

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Forget Your Troubles, Come On, Get Hygge  Danes are the happiest people in the world. They say they get there with hygge – coziness. We’ll ask how that works.

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(執筆:Penelope Green記者、翻訳:藤原朝子) © 2016 New York Times News Service

Read An Excerpt Of “The Little Book Of Hygge” By Meik Viking

A typical "hygge" scene, with warm pastries, soft lighting and a copy of Meik Wiking's "Little Book Of Hygge." (Valerie_bd/Instagram)
A typical “hygge” scene, with warm pastries, soft lighting and a copy of Meik Wiking’s “Little Book Of Hygge.” (Valerie_bd/Instagram)


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今年もヒュッゲ本の刊行は目白押しだ。1月はほかにもノルウェー人女性シェフでフードライターのシンヌ・ヨハンセン著『ハウ・トゥ・ヒュッゲ――北欧流ハッピーライフの秘密(How to Hygge: The Nordic Secrets to a Happy Life)』が刊行される。2月には、ヒュッゲ・ドットコムというウェブサイトでデンマーク家具を販売するルイーザ・トムセン・ブリッツ著『ブック・オブ・ヒュッゲ――デンマーク流の満足、快適、つながりのアート(The Book of Hygge: The Danish Art of Contentment, Comfort and Connection)』が刊行される。


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英ガーディアン紙のパトリック・キングズレーは、2012年の著書『デンマーク人になる方法(How to Be Danish)』で、デンマークではあらゆることがヒュッゲになると書いている。自分の自転車もヒュッゲリ、誰かのテーブルセッティングもヒュッゲリ、コペンハーゲンのお洒落な地区ヴェスタブロを散策するのもヒュッゲリだ。



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New York Times: Move Over, Marie Kondo: Make Room for the Hygge Hordes — “Denmark frequently tops lists of the happiest countries in the world, in surveys conducted by the United Nations, among other organizations, consistently beating its Scandinavian cousins, Sweden and Norway — as well as the United States, which hovers around 13th place. While all three Nordic countries share happiness boosters like small populations and the attendant boons of a welfare state (free education, subsidized child care and other generous social supports), what distinguishes Denmark is its quest for hygge.”

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New Yorker: The Year Of Hygge, The Danish Obsession With Getting Cozy — “Winter is the most hygge time of year. It is candles, nubby woolens, shearling slippers, woven textiles, pastries, blond wood, sheepskin rugs, lattes with milk-foam hearts, and a warm fireplace. Hyggecan be used as a noun, adjective, verb, or compound noun, like hyggebukser, otherwise known as that shlubby pair of pants you would never wear in public but secretly treasure. Hygge can be found in a bakery and in the dry heat of a sauna in winter, surrounded by your naked neighbors.”

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The Guardian: The Hygge Conspiracy — “But for all the earnest cultural analyses, linguistic glosses and quotations from Kierkegaard, it is the images, more or less common in style to each title, that one falls for: hands cupping warm mugs; bicycles leaning against walls; sheepskin rugs thrown over chairs; candles and bonfires; summer picnics; trays of fresh-baked buns. To look at them is to long for that life, that warmth, that peace, that stability – for that idealized, Instagrammable Denmark of the imagination.”