Swiss Germany America Canada 日本 ベーシックインカムなぜ必要?170929(金)

★ポルトガルで International Basic Income Conference で 20か国を超える人々の話を聴いてきて徐々に本質的な 問題点や導入の難しさにも 気づいてきた。帰国途中に 会場で買い求めた本を少しづつ 読み進めている。

まずは判り易い解説動画を 見てみよう。何事も人から入っていくのカタチが 効果的だ。ついでに 日本の現状。相対的な貧困の理由や 状態も見てみよう。Enno Schumitさんが 去年スイスの国民投票実現に大きな力を発揮された。今回 しっかり 何度も話してきた。 英国の本では 会社で働く人が昇進すると 社会保障費や所得税が アップして かえってマイナスになるということを 一番初めに取り上げていた。 このことは 日本でも同じ状況だ。だから Unconditional Basic Income が必要だという。まだ あと11項目あるが。(山元コメント)

Discussing the merits of Unconditional Basic Income | Enno Schmidt | TEDxBasel

視聴回数 9,967 回 24613共有   TEDx Talks 2016/08/30 に公開
What would you do if you were provided with an unconditional basic income that covered the costs of your necessities? Enno Schmidt discusses the possibilities, and explains how rethinking income distribution is not only necessary in our developing digital economy but also the next giant step in human history.
Interviewed by TEDxBasel’s curator, Hayes Ford The intro animation was produced as a collaboration between TEDxBasel and the Hochschule Luzern. The video was created by Bianca Caderas, Helen Bosand and Zea Schaad.
Find out more about this event and the other ideas that were shared at Enno Schmidt is an artist, filmmaker, author and spokesman.
He is a founder of the people’s initiative for an unconditional basic income in Switzerland (vote on June 5th), and co-founder and managing director of the Enterprise Economy and Art – Expands.
A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Frankfurt am Main in Germany, he lives in Basel. Favourite quote:
“He who wants something finds a way. He who doesn’t, finds a reason”, Götz W. Werner, entrepreneur This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
 日本語の字幕がついている。ポイントを絞り込んで 判り易い。

ドイツでは ベーシックインカムを取り上げる人たちが 増えてきた。 女性党首も 今回のリスボンInternational Basic Income Conferenceに 参加していた。彼女は 自信に満ちていて じっくり 展開して行くと 楽観的だった。


2017年 日本格差社会本格化へ

日本の相対的貧困が 世界最悪 7位。シングルマザー ひとり親家庭の貧困化が ひどい。このテレビで 実態を見て

みよう。日本は 様々な社会制度を長年 苦慮しながら 手厚くしてきたのは 事実だ。成熟社会ともいえる。が

実態は 貧困化が 毎年 悪化の一途をたどっている。なぜなのか ?? 解決策は ないのか??

新しい考え方で 解決策を しっかり見つけなければならない。 で 去年の6月 やはり相対的貧困問題で 苦心して

いる欧米各国が かえって真剣に 実験に向かうようになった、(山元)

視聴回数 91,487 回  高評価低評価共有 Digital Box 2017/06/24 に公開

ベーシックインカムが実現したら 佐々木重人(千葉県大網白里市) 視聴回数 240 回  World Natural 2017/06/07 に公開 今回 出発前 山田正彦先生の事務所で お会いして以来。いろいろ貴重なお話を 聴かせて頂いた。すっかりリスボンでは 交流を深めた。とても良く勉強されている。

Understanding Universal Basic Income | Susan Danziger | TEDxUniversityofRochester

視聴回数 1,727 回 452共有   TEDx Talks 2017/06/01 に公開
Susan talks about the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI). She expresses her initial skepticism about it, and eventual appreciation of how it could play a major role in future of work. She explains the nuances of UBI and share the results of the survey a lot of us participated in. Susan Danziger is the founder and CEO of Ziggeo, an award-winning cloud-based video technology company. Susan has been promoting and advocating for the success of women entrepreneurs, was named Woman of Influence and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and is a contributor to Forbes, where she writes about entrepreneurship. She previously founded (and sold) DailyLit, which pioneered the distribution of e-books in serial installments. Susan graduated with a BA from Cornell University and obtained a JD from NYU School of Law. She is an international keynote speaker who has recently given talks in Berlin, Dublin, New York and San Francisco. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

田中さんは 以前より ベーシックインカムの効果をうたい これしかないだろうとされている。日本の現状と 具体的な数字を

挙げて 可能性があることを 示唆している。株式会社の7割が 国税も地方税も払っていない。 ここを うまく活用すれば

ベーシックインカムの実現性が 高まるという。(山元)

田中康夫「BIは“血を流さない一大革命”である。」 生活保護をやめてベーシック・インカムの導入で国民生活にゆとりを [モーニングCROSS] 視聴回数 4,249 回  CUT CROSS

2017/05/19 に公開 2017年1月19日(木) モーニングCROSS – ひとこと言いたい!オピニオンCROSS 田中康夫(作家)
【出演】堀潤 / 宮瀬茉祐子 【コメンテーター】田中康夫 / 樹原涼子 / 古谷経衡


田中康夫「BIは“血を流さない一大革命”である。」 生活保護をやめてベーシック・インカムの導入で国民生活にゆとりを [モーニングCROSS] 視聴回数 4,249 回

  2017/05/19 に公開
2017年1月19日(木) モーニングCROSS – ひとこと言いたい!オピニオンCROSS 田中康夫(作家) 【出演】堀潤 / 宮瀬茉祐子 【コメンテーター】田中康夫 / 樹原涼子 / 古谷経衡

Jordan Peterson: How would life change with Universal Basic Income?

視聴回数 99,306 回  1,665103共有   Ramble 2017/08/01 に公開
This is a clip cut from the original full video “2015 Personality Lecture 18: Openness – Creativity & Intelligence”, which can be found on Jordan Peterson’s channel… *********************************************************************** Ramble’s Books to Read Before You Die, Part 1(August) 1. “If you want to induce an existential crisis”, click 2. “If you want to experience PTSD, without actually having PTSD”, click 3. “Alternate Title: ‘How to Take Over the World'”, click *********************************************************************** Creativity and intelligence are both fundamental traits, part of Big Five Openness, and powerful determinants of innovation and general performance at complex tasks, respectively. Jordan Bernt Peterson (born June 12, 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist, cultural critic and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. His main areas of study are the psychology of religious and ideological belief, and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance. He authored Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief in 1999. Disclaimers: This video is quoted under Fair Use for educational purposes. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Interview: Basic Income and the elections in Germany

視聴回数 181 回 60共有  Basic Income Earth Network
2013/10/08 に公開
On 22. September 2013 the German citizens elected a new parliament. What does this mean for Basic Income? Olga Bobkova spoke with Joerg Drescher about this topic.

Götz Werner: The Idea of Unconditional Basic Income: a Copernican Turn (BIEN2012)

視聴回数 1,772 回 200  Netzwerk Grundeinkommen 2013/01/15 に公開
The Idea of Unconditional Basic Income: a Copernican Turn * Götz Werner, entrepreneur, founder of the “Unternimm die Zukunft” (“venture the future”) initiative, Karlsruhe, Germany The 14th Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) took place from September 14th to September 16nd, at the Wolf-Ferrari-Haus in Ottobrunn near Munich. The congress main theme deals with pathways to a basic income. Infos:

Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht

視聴回数 363,325 回 5,314414共有  TEDx Talks 2014/10/21 に公開
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Rutger Bregman (1988) studied at Utrecht University and the University of California in Los Angeles, majoring in History. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform De Correspondent. His article on basic income was nominated for the European Press Prize and was published by The Washington Post. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform ‘De Correspondent’. His article on basic income was nominated for the European Press Prize and was subsequently also published by the American newspaper The Washington Post. In September 2014 his newest book ‘Gratis geld voor iedereen