蜜蜂の役割と危機。人類も居なくなる? 170825(Fri)

舟橋さんのお話をお聴きしよう。日本語です。蜜蜂を絶滅させないための工夫を 人類が きちんとして行かねばならないことが 判る。最近 定年退職した人たちや 蜜蜂の大切さを認識した人たちが 都会でも屋上で飼うようになってきた。豊かな自然が そこにある。を実現したい。 また浅草蜂蜜プロジェクトに 挑戦したい。 銀座ミツバチプロジェクトの人達に教えを乞おう。


★この話をじっくり聞くと 確かに3分1の農産物が おおきな影響を受けるが ミツバチの受粉の役割と関係ないトウモロコシや稲やお米など 関係ない植物の存在する。しっかり聴いておこう。


Behind the Buzz: The Honeybee in Global Politics | Eve Bratman | TEDxAmericanUniversity

This TEDx talk offers insight into what the humble honeybee can teach us about living more harmoniously on Earth. Honeybees are a pragmatic example through which to view broader international relations questions concerning food systems, sustainable livelihoods, global trade, and global environmental politics. Not only are bees directly implicated in these issues, they are an emblem of the challenges of dealing with complexity and inter-dependent systems in a globally connected, inter-dependent world.

Video Supervisor: Ford Fischer
Filmed by Arun Raman, Delana Listman, and Elaina Kimes
Edited by Elaina Kimes and Ford Fischer

Recorded in The Harold and Sylvia Greenberg Theatre at American University, Washington, DC

Dr. Eve Bratman’s research concerns sustainable development politics and environmental governance. Her major projects focus on the links between environmental policy, infrastructure, agriculture, and human rights in the Brazilian Amazon. Her book manuscript, based on a decade of research in Brazil, is tentatively entitled Governing the Rainforest: Sustainable Development Politics in the Brazilian Amazon. Dr. Bratman also has expertise in urban politics and development issues in the Americas, including in Washington DC. She is American University’s lead beekeeper, and serves as faculty advisor for the American University Beekeeping Society. Her next book project is about the honeybee in global politics.


実は蜂蜜は体にとてもよいのです。毎日、ぬるま湯に蜂蜜を溶かし一杯飲む だけで健康に、二日酔いにも効く「ハチミツ水」。
