隕石とは何か?  Meteorite? 170626Tue

2016/12/07 に公開

★隕石は わが家に小さいものが 幾つか ころがっている。新宿3丁目に宇宙村の影山八郎さんのお店があり。以前 良く通っていた。最近も 久しぶりにお会いしてきた。境港ご在住のお兄さんの影山愛三さんとも交流があった。隕石は 宝石関連の展示会や海外の売店などで 見つけては 求めてきた。調べると 宇宙への想いが駆け巡る。

Canadian Meteorite Encrusted in Hieroglyphs?

2017/03/15 に公開

so today I wanted to share with you a report made late last year by t w Patterson, in the Conwichan Valley Citizen, British Columbia, Canada.

it was the retelling of an event that originally occurred in 1908, actually managing to make front page news in many outlets around the world.

Entitled, A Message From Mars, on a Thursday morning like any other, Will McKinnon, the 14 year old son of Mr. Angus McKinnon, underwent a most startling of experiences. subsequently having a miraculous escape from death.
While working with his father in their garden at about 11 oclock, a meteorite would strike the ground just metres from where the lad was standing.

Thinking a train was approaching the boy and his father continued to work, not realising that it was actually an approaching meteor burning through the atmosphere.
Reported by many local residents, who said the object shot through the sky towards the Mckinnon residence.
It shattered large tree branches on its estimated 40 degree approach with their garden, creating a large crater in the earth upon impact.
Presumably Sending young will, his father, and a large amount of the earth hurtling through the air.

When they eventually retrieved the object, it was so hot it was unable to be touched for several hours, but once it cooled, the family discovered something truly remarkable about the meterorite.
whatever this object was, witnessed burning through the atmosphere, leaving a large crater i its wake, it appeared to be coated in form of hieroglyphics.

Angus McKinnon tried for some time to interpret the meaning of the markings on the stone, presumably utterly perplexed by the event, and the subsequent gift from the heavens, an object he could obviously personally confirm as authentic. eventually admitting defeat, stating he would be glad if someone who has a knowledge of these things, would try to help him out.”

A month later, it was reported that the Department of Mines and Geological Surveys, in Ottawa, was seeking quote, further particulars, in regards to the event.
Angus apparently reported such detailed analysis was carried out on his property, they even recorded, quote, the nature of the soil.

apparently The questions included an offer of purchase if terms could be arranged. these terms may have included the Mckinnon families agreement to speak of the matter no further, because Whether in fact this meteor did make it to Ottawa, is unknown.
the story was not chased up any further, the suspected meteorite would disappear from public view.
Was the object a mere fragment of a larger object, maybe an alien craft?
or was it indeed an intergalactic, message in a bottle.


2017/01/08 に公開

Incredible Meteorite Found With Hieroglyphics in Canada 2017/04/29 に公開 こんなことがありうるのか?


Geologists Discover Meteorite Older than Earth! In Australian Outback

2016/01/10 に公開 なかなかまじめに取り組んでいる。英語の勉強もかねて 聴いてみよう。

Geologists have found a meteorite in the Australian outback that is older than Earth.
On November 27, 2015, locals from the William Creek and Marree areas in South Australia witnessed the meteorite shooting down from the sky. The meteorite was captured on video from a camera on the international space station.

The meteorite was also spotted by the Desert Fireball Network system. It is a series of 32 linked digital camera observatories that monitor the skies above the Australian outback looking for incoming meteorites.

Using this footage, scientists conducted image analysis, triangulation, and other calculations to get a sense as to where the meteorite had fallen. Estimates placed the location in the outback near Lake Eyre.

A few days later, on December 29, a team of Australian geologists, led by professor Phil Bland unearthed the 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite. The rock is 3.7 pounds, 1.7 kg, and appears to have traveled from farther away than Mars. The team retrieved it just hours before an incoming storm`s heavy rainfall would have washed it away.

The rock fell from space and was embedded 42 cm deep in the thick salt lake mud. The team’s leader, dug it out by hand.

The meteorite fragment is a chondrite or stony meteorite from the early formation of the Solar System, estimated to be more than 4.5 billion years old. The Earth is 4.3 billion years old, so that would make this roc older than Earth. The researchers believe the rock came from somewhere between Mars and Jupiter.

Scientists are able to date old rocs by observing the level of decay of their radioactive isotopes. These isotope decay at a specific speed, and so can tell us how long they have been around.

This is it an exciting geological discovery that should eventually teach us more about the origins of the Universe.

Insights on Meteorites- IoM: Meteorwrongs of Canada – Episode 1

2010/12/14 に公開