Decadence today デカダンスとは なにか?  170204(Sat)

Published on Jan 16, 2013 Decadence (退廃) デカダンスの6つの映像を見つけた。 考えさせられる。
この傾向は 今も続いていて 日本でも経済格差の2文化で 同時に このような世界があることは 否めない。

An excellent six part series which examines modern life and considers the impact of our relentlessly changing world upon key values that used to make western society something to aspire to.
Each episode is packed with pearls of wisdom and a lot of food for thought.
Concepts are well presented with rational arguments and good examples – helping to justify the often disappointing new realities it reveals.
After consideration, even if this series is only half-true … we can ill-afford inaction.

Join Pria Viswalingam for the new six-part documentary series, Decadence, as he considers whether we are now completely bogged down in a mire of meaningless self-indulgence, and whether we do really need iPods, plasma screen TVs, Brazilian waxes and self-navigating 4WDs to achieve happiness. He asks if family incomes have never been higher in the western world, property values are soaring, if conspicuous consumption and material wealth have never been so evident, why are we so unhappy?


Published on Jan 16, 2013

An excellent six part series which examines modern life and considers the impact of our relentlessly changing world upon key values that used to make western society something to aspire to.
Each episode is packed with pearls of wisdom and a lot of food for thought.
Concepts are well presented with rational arguments and good examples – helping to justify the often disappointing new realities it reveals.
After consideration, even if this series is only half-true … we can ill-afford inaction.

Join Pria Viswalingam for the new six-part documentary series, Decadence, as he considers whether we are now completely bogged down in a mire of meaningless self-indulgence, and whether we do really need iPods, plasma screen TVs, Brazilian waxes and self-navigating 4WDs to achieve happiness. He asks if family incomes have never been higher in the western world, property values are soaring, if conspicuous consumption and material wealth have never been so evident, why are we so unhappy?

Published on Jan 15, 2013

An excellent six part series which examines modern life and considers the impact of our relentlessly changing world upon key values that used to make western society something to aspire to.
Each episode is packed with pearls of wisdom and a lot of food for thought.
Concepts are well presented with rational arguments and good examples – helping to justify the often disappointing new realities it reveals.
After consideration, even if this series is only half-true … we can ill-afford inaction.

Join Pria Viswalingam for the new six-part documentary series, Decadence, as he considers whether we are now completely bogged down in a mire of meaningless self-indulgence, and whether we do really need iPods, plasma screen TVs, Brazilian waxes and self-navigating 4WDs to achieve happiness. He asks if family incomes have never been higher in the western world, property values are soaring, if conspicuous consumption and material wealth have never been so evident, why are we so unhappy?