有機農業も 勢いを増すだろうと思う。 世界に広めねばと
活動を続けている。亜臨界水反応器 Sub Critical Water Reactor
We can hear the sound of the Earth crying, who is suffering from global warming.
- Warming temperature/ Rising seawater/. Lost glacier/ Rising sea level.
- Localized torrential downpour which frequently occurs/ Extraordinary long lasting drought / Surface of lake which becomes smaller in size/ Mountain stream drying up.
- The number of typhoon which increases to come/ Spring which gradually comes earlier/ Heat wave hitting days in the middle of the summer/The coldness in the winter letting up
- Bleaching coral reef/ Encroaching coastline/ A group of islands sinking into the sea
- Early blooming flowers/ Decreasing animal habitats/ Migratory birds who forget their migratory period.
Plastic wastes floating in the ocean is a precious resource in a sense. Let’s change them to valuable fuel using subcritical water reactor plants.
海洋に漂うプラスチックゴミは ある意味 資源だ。亜臨界水反応器で片っ端から貴重な燃料に変えて行こう!!
Let see carefully following process to change plastic wastes to fuel. Big problems all over the World. we have to jointly work together, here and there not only Asia but also all over the World.
★世界青少年「志」プレゼンテーション大会(2019年9月15日)で環境大臣賞を受賞した アリナちゃんのコメント:
2018年8月にOECD(経済協力開発機構)が発表した報告書「Improving Markets for Recycled Plastics」では、2015年の全世界のプラスチックごみの発生量は3億200万トンにのぼり、1980年の約5000万トンから35年間で約6倍に増加した。
しかしそのリサイクル率は全世界平均で14%(UNEPの2018年の報告書「Single-use Plastics」)しかない。投棄されたり埋め立て処分場から流出して海に達するプラスチックごみは年間400~1200万トン(2010年時点)と推定され、海洋汚染による漁業への悪影響、観光客の減少などによる損害額は年間130億ドル(約1兆4400億円)にのぼると指摘されている。
OECDの報告書によると、世界のプラスチック生産量は1950年の200万トンから2015年の4億700万トンへ、65年間で2035倍になった。UNEP(国連環境計画)の報告書「The State of Plastics」は2030年、さらに1.52倍になり年間6億1900万トンに達すると予測している。
UNEP「Single-use Plastics」によれば全世界で年間1~5兆枚が消費されるプラスチック製レジ袋は、国を挙げて禁止・規制する動きが活発化している。2008年のルワンダ、中国、2011年のイタリア、2016年のインド、2017年のケニアなどに続き、2018年はブルネイ、韓国、チリ、モンゴル、ルーマニア、ニュージーランドなどが次々と禁止に踏み切った。米国は海に面したカリフォルニア州、ハワイ州、グアム、ニューヨーク市が独自に規制を実施している。
なお、オランダのVolker Wessels社は2015年、廃プラスチックを「レゴ」のような箱状のブロックに加工して道路に敷き詰める別の方法の「PlasticRoad」を発表した。これは従来のアスファルト舗装に比べて約3倍の耐久性があるという。ロッテルダム市が自転車専用道路で導入を計画している。
By making full use of the power of Sub-Critical Water, let’s protect the global environment with us all together, shall we?
Global warming is not a problem occurring in countries far away from us, or expected to occur in the future, but it is really a problem which we are facing right now.
We have developed Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment, M recycling machine MRM, which is an industrial product contributable to global warming and global environment.
By utilizing Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment, we can make environmental pollutants dissolved to be non-hazardous
☆亜臨界水が有機物の溶解作用と強い加水分解作用を有する理由として、通常の水の誘電率の値は80 程度であるのに対して、亜臨界水となると誘電率の値は20~30 程度となり、油を溶かすことに使われるメタノールに近くなるため、油を溶かす性質を持つようになることが上げられます。
Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment is a product which can protect our irreplaceable Earth.
- 4.6 billion years have passed since our Earth was born, where we live a life now.
- Her blue sea and green land let life to start on the Earth and since then, living creatures has evolved from a lower form into a higher one.
- Now we are committing ourselves in environmental destruction on the Earth in our daily life.
- We have developed Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment to protect the Earth so that we, human beings can still continue to live a life here.
We have developed an industrial product contributable to global warming.
- A granted patent in Japan numbered 3089543 ①
- PCT International application PCT/JP2005/9728
Patent Issue country | Invention Patent No. | Issue date |
Japan | No.4864884 | November 18,2011 |
China | No.ZL200580049929.2 | May 12,2010 |
Hong Kong | No.1115836 | September 24,2010 |
The United States | No.8512573 | August 20,2013 |
South Korea | No.10-1313438 | September 24,2013 |
Malaysia | PI20072112 | June 13,2014 |
Application country | Number assigned to the application | |
India | The 4602nd/KOLNP/2007 | |
Europe | EP05743794.9 |
MRMは廃棄物を有効利用する為に最適な200℃、2Mpa(20 気圧)の亜臨界水で処理しています。
MRM is future type of Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment treating by steam at high pressure and high temperature after placing flammable waste in a cooker (pressure container).
No dioxin or nitrous oxide is generated in this equipment, which is because no burning process is installed. Also this treatment is carried out in sealed condition, so that bad smell is not generated. Therefore MRM is good for the measures of global warming and removal of environmental problems.
Treatment finished products are kept in germ-free state and dioxin residue levels and heavy metal are below the value of Safety Standards stipulated by Japanese regulation.
Contributable to global warming and global environment.
This equipment enables the reuse of all flammable waste; not only general wastes, but also organic sludge, expanded polystyrene, shredder dust, vinyl sheet for agricultural use, until incineration ash.
G-8 INTERNATIONAL TRADING株式会社が扱う亜臨界水反応装置Mリサイクルマシーンは可燃性廃棄物を煮熟釜(圧力容器)に入れ高温高圧の蒸気で蒸す未来型亜臨界水反応装置です.
shredder dust——————-general wastes——————organic————opolystyrene
All materials can be converted into compost, animal food and soil-improving agent.
Treatment plant
Attached Air-Shooter (separately estimated)
Inlet Valve
Inspection Hole for the inside of Cooker
Drive Unit for Mixer
Operation and Control Panel
Outlet Valve
English version pamphlet.
English version pamphlet.
Please download it from this place.
Detailed explanatory about M recycling machine will be prepared in the languages of “Japanese”, “Chinese”, “English” and “Korean”.
Our detailed explanatory of M recycling machine will be promptly sent on your request by e-mail, the address of which is as below, where please fill in company name, staff in charge, address, telephone number of your own, and language you require.
The features of MRM
Sub-Critical Water Reaction Equipment for recycling of organic waste.
M recycling machine
■Recycling After the treatment, it takes about 7 to 14 days of fermentation period to make compost, which ensures the supply of product with stable quality. |
■Performance Speedy treatment is available by 2㎥/hour, which is a compact and high performance plant. ( Floor space ; about 495㎡). |
■Environmental protection After the treatment, no bad smell is almost generated Almost no exhausted gas is generated due to our non-burning type |
■Reliability for operation No burning process enables safety operation. |
In our M recycling machine of Sub-Critical Water Reaction type, firstly a dewatered sludge cake and kitchen garbage, etc., as raw material, are thrown into the Cooker together with saw powder, and then, steaming treatment is carried out with mixing in saturated steam state at high temperature of about 200C degrees and high pressure of 15 to 20 air pressure for about one hour.
Compact type with large volumes treatable.
The dimension of MRMⅡ is 2.5m width x 8m length x 4.5m height, which enables the treatment of 2㎥ of waste per hour.
No hazardous substances, bad smell, or polluted water are generated,
Sub-Critical Water Reaction treatment (high pressure steam treatment )without no-burning process ensures no generation of hazardous Dioxin, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide, which cause global warming, meanwhile no bad smell is also generated because of the treatment in the highly sealed state.
Treatment of any flammable waste is acceptable.
The treatment of all flammable waste is acceptable, including organic waste such as kitchen garbage, and any other kind such as organic sludge generated in a sewer, incineration ash, paper shredded dust, vinyl sheet for industrial and agricultural use and waste wood generated in building.
Not so many staffs required for machine operation while its running costs are low .
1 to 2 staffs are enough for machine operation, while treatment cost per 2㎥ of waste and per time is around Japanese Yen \3,000 for expenses of fuel and electric utility.
There is no anxiety about safety, sanitary conditions, and maintenance management
Since we regard our user’s merits as the most important, who introduces and uses our equipment, our MRM is kept in a safe and good sanitary condition and can save users trouble.
After treatment is finished, waste will be converted into excellent products.
Treatment finished product is kept in germ-free condition, and hazardous substance residue levels are below the value of Safety Standards. In the case that treated material is used for compost, astonishingly a large amount of a useful microorganism such as yeast fungi is growing up to be soil in a short time.
Household and general wastes | Used paper diaper | Shredded dust |
Collected by local governments | Consumed in facilities of social welfare for aged people | End of life vehicles |
Cooking time; 60 minutes | Cooking time; 60 minutes | Cooking time; 90 minutes |
Cooking pressure : 18MPa | Cooking pressure; 18MPa | Cooking pressure; 18MPa |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
Gypsum board | Pig dung and Rice straw | Cloth rags(Rag stocking) |
Cooking time; 60 minutes | Cooking time; 60 minutes | Cooking time; 60 minutes |
Cooking pressure : 18MPa | Cooking pressure; 18MPa | Cooking pressure; 18MPa |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
Cooking temperature : About 200℃ |
亜臨界水反応方式のMリサイクルマシーンは、原料としての脱水汚泥ケーキや生ごみ等とオガ粉を缶内に投入し、高温(約100~200℃)・高圧(10~20 気圧)の飽和水蒸気で処理物を攪拌しながら蒸煮処理を行います。
家庭一般ごみ | 使用済紙おむつ | シュレッダーダスト |
(自治体収集分) | (老人福祉施設分) | (廃車両) |
処理時間 60分 | 処理時間 60分 | 処理時間 90分 |
処理圧力 18MPa | 処理圧力 18MPa | 処理圧力 18MPa |
処理温度 約200℃ | 処理温度 約200℃ | 処理温度 約200℃ |
石膏ボード | 豚糞+稲藁 | 衣料屑(ストッキング屑) |
処理時間 60分 | 処理時間 60分 | 処理時間 60分 |
処理圧力 18MPa | 処理圧力 18MPa | 処理圧力 18MPa |
処理温度 約200度 | 処理温度 約200度 | 処理温度 約200度 |
20 世紀は華麗な石油化学の時代でした。石油は言うまでもなくエネルギー源としての利用以外に、種々の化学製品の出発原料として利用されてきました。
2011/04/07 にアップロード
G-8 INTERNATIONAL TRADTNG㈱は、亜臨界水反応を用いて下水汚泥などの有機系庭棄物を再資源化する
以上の様に亜臨界水反応装置M リサイクルマシーンを核とする応用技術は様々な分野の廃棄物リサイクル処理に及びます。
Comparison with other method
Comparison with other methods like burning, composting, etc.
Sub-Critical Water treatment method comparing with a conventional composting method
Sub-critical Water Reaction method can be used as a pre-treatment of a conventional composting method so that the problems of this conventional one will be solved.
Composting experiments
Treatment finished product is kept in germ-free state, and the residue of the hazardous substances comes to be below safe standard values. And in the case that these products are used as compost, beneficial microorganism like yeast, etc., are generated very fast, which is growing to be a soil that has excellent quality in a surprisingly short time.
地域バイオマス処理 地域バイオマス資源ベストミックス事業化に向けて
Copyright © 2016 G-8 INTERNATIONAL TRADING All Rights Reserved.
〒254-0807神奈川県平塚市代官町9-26M宮代会館2F,TEL:0463(25)0969 FAX:0463(24)2470
推 薦 者 松井三郎 京都大学 名誉教授 松下 潤 中央大学 研究開発機構教授(工学博士) 木原秀成 CMF国際大学 学長 杉浦則夫 筑波大学特命教授 マレーシア日本国際工科院教授
M recycling machine
The 2oth century was a prosperous time for its petrochemistry. Needless to say, so far, oil has been not only used as energy resources, but also utilized as starting materials of various chemical products. Since these petrochemical products are very clean and good for long-term use, they were mass-produced and explosively spread all over the world. But they cause us a trouble that they are very hard to be dissolved by microorganisms. Typical products of them are synthetic plastics such as polyethylene, polypropylene, etc., the waste of which is nowadays and globally still disposed by dumping it into an ocean or by burying it at final landfill site. In Japan most of organic waste is still disposed by burning and its burned ash was buried at final landfill site, which causes various problems to be brought about now, such as global warming by burning treatment, dioxin and environmental hormones generated, and shortage of final landfill site for burying, etc.
”Merits by introducing our M recycling machine are as shown below;
(1)It will make organic waste 100% recycled, protect our environment, establishrecycling-based society, and promote and activate regional economy.
(2)Suppose your recycling plant utilizes “Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment” without nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide discharged which causes global warming, also without dioxin generated which has bad influence on global environment, as a result, “Animal food of high nutritional value” and “nutritious potting compost” can be produced without any hazardous substance contained and kept in a germ-free state, .
(3)Low price production of animal food and compost from organic waste will bring about a reduction in costs of stock farm products and fish farming, also will bring about smaller price differences between domestic and overseas markets
(4)”Well-nourished potting compost” can enhance productivity of poor, under-nourished soil.
(5)“Animal food of high nutritional value”, without any hazardous substance contained and kept in a germ-free state, enables us to promote food safety and security.
Introduction of our M recycling machine utilizing this Sub-Critical Water Reaction enables environmentally friendly waste recycling.
Furthermore our M recycling machine enables not only reuse of waste as animal food and compost, but also application to various fields.
It is now clearly acknowledged that, if Sub-Critical Water Reaction equipment is installed in methane fermenting equipment, generation of methane gas will increase. Usually organic substances in hot water can collect energy by methane fermentation, and as the pre-treatment of which, if Sub-Critical Water treatment is carried out, there are some effects occur, such as bacteria’s digesting ratio for organic substances improves, its fermentation period will be substantially shortened, and generation of biogas will increase.
In mid-gut gland left after removing adductor muscle out of scallop, there is much heavy metal like cadmium contained at high density, which, however, not only could not have been usefully used so far, but also, a lot of treatment expenses used to pile up because of too much water content in a scallop. Sub-Critical Water Reaction treatment can make treated liquid separated into two layers of oil and liquid, so that heavy metal can be separated and extracted. And then there are valuable organic substances separated and extracted from the layers in a certain process of separation and extraction as shown below.
As for the method of saccharification in which bioethanol is produced from wood, there are such ways as acids or enzyme is used. But they may cause some problems, such as acid method brings about treatment equipment corroded by acid or causes disposal problem of liquid waste, while enzymatic method requires much time for its treatment and needs pre-treatment to remove lignin. Meanwhile Sub-Critical Water treatment for wood powder is now clearly acknowledged as substantially an excellent method good for speedy and mass production of the whole saccharide including oligosaccharide, which does not require any acid catalyst, or any special pre-treatment, and furthermore no disposal problem of liquid waste occurs in this way.
As for the disposal of organic sludge generated in a sewage treatment plant, indeed biogas is only partially produced by methane fermentation, and which succeeds in energy recovery, but in most cases, large amount of treatment expenses should pile up for waste disposal such as burning or burying at landfill site. Even in such a case, if, in stead of above mentioned methane fermentation, Sub-Critical Water treatment is added as pre-treatment of a high speed methane fermentation method, greater energy recovery is available. Furthermore, by this pre-treatment of Sub-CriticalWater treatment carried out, indeed highly efficient energy recovery comes true as mentioned above, and at the same time, only if a phosphorus recovery system is also added here, it is possible to realize 80% to 95% high ratio of phosphorus’s separation and recovery, which is a resource for compost, and supposed to be exhausted on the earth in the future. That is because phosphorus in activated sludge is stored in the inside of various microorganisms, and since the cells of which are destroyed by Sub-Critical Water treatment, phosphorus is flown out into treated liquid.
As mentions above, applied technology, a nucleus of which is formed by Sub-CriticalWater Reaction treatment M recycling machine, is covering various fields of wasterecycling treatment.