みなさんへ 明日3月1日 鴻鵠塾のチャリティイベント
日時 : 3月1日(火曜日)19:00 開場 19:30〜22:00
場所 : 新丸の内ビル10階 EGG JAPAN コラボレーションスペース
千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビル10階 …
人数 : あと 30名募集
お支払い: 会場受付で 「寄付金&会費」 合計 6000円
目的 : 特別講演 : シリア・アラブ共和国のWarif Halabi代理大使
特定非営利活動法人 鴻鵠塾 代表理事 上田圭祐
協力 山元学校 山元雅信
Syria Deputy Ambassador, Her Excellency Ms.Warif Harabi commented as follows:
My interview with Ambassadors of Palestine and Iraq in addition to the special advisor to the Jabanese Cabinet Isso Iijima san on BS FUJI Prim News. It was really such an exciting experiance for me to speak about Syria and the current situation in the Middle East in such important program.
and who added her message to Japanese friends at the end of interview.
H.E.Ms. Warif Halabi, Deputy Ambassador’s special massage to Japan in BS Fuji Prime News was
“Restore our good relations on different fields”, pointing out the importance of Japan Government to work closely and directly with Syrian Government and JICA, Archaeological missions and private sectors can support Syrian people in reconciliation efforts.
Team Yamamoto started the restoration movement of Syrian World Heritages which badly damaged by various terrorists. and now recruiting the important and powerful people who can contribute to this activities from professional points of view.
Her Excellency Ms. Warif Halabi, Deputy Ambassador, gave the special Lecture on what’s going on in Syria, and why it looks never ending the Wars.
Team Yamamoto consists of 12 original members gathered at Syrian Embassy and Ms.Chie Art presented the very significant her masterpiece to encourage Syrian people symbolizing the wonderful friendship between Private sector of Japan and Syrian people.
These days so many young and powerful friends kindly gathered at Yamamoto Gakko(School). we shared the movement as mutual mission to restore the World heritage by our own hands as we live in this 21st Century.
We understand Syria historically extended their warm hand to the suffering people visiting Syria and made them stay at their own houses not at Refugee camps.
This is the picture when Japan Mission visited Palestine two years ago.We understand as to the number of refugees, Palestine refugees countmore than 5.5 Million and Syrian refugees over 2.5 Million, totally more than 90% of the World refugees number. and if we could manage to solvethis problem then, Peace surely comes back as much as that figures.
This is the first time both Ambassadors appeared at the same timing at TV program of what so ever in December, 2011 at Blue Earth 3.0. Though it is so difficult to restore reconciliation and peace building between Palestine and Israel, we will continue what we can.