


Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou) – Kyu Sakamoto (English Translation and Lyrics)

17,685,282 回視聴 2012/01/11  sugarfreee
チャンネル登録者数 1.91万人 登録済み




The lyrics tell the story of a man who looks up and whistles while he is walking so that his tears won’t fall. The verses of the song describe his memories and feelings.

The English-language lyrics of the version recorded by A Taste of Honey are not a translation of the original Japanese lyrics but a completely different set of lyrics set to the same basic melody.

The title Sukiyaki, a Japanese hot pot dish, has nothing to do with the lyrics or the meaning of the song; the word served the purpose only because it was short, catchy, recognizably Japanese, and more familiar to most English speakers.

A Newsweek columnist noted that the re-titling was like issuing “Moon River” in Japan under the title “Beef Stew.”







免疫力を上げる45の方法|安保 徹 ~新型コロナウイルス対策。

今すぐ出来る免疫力を高める方法10選~44,908 回視聴 2020/04/09  アバタロー登録者数 6.46万人登録済み

★ご自分が良いと思うものだけ参考にしてください。安保さんは 2016年残念ながら逝去された。



① 酸味苦み辛味のある食材を摂る ② 体を温める食材を摂る

③ 腸内環境を整える食材を摂る(発酵食品など)

④ 目回し体操を取り入れる

⑤ 爪の生え際にあるツボ(井穴)を押す 

⑥ 体温+4度の入浴習慣を取り入れる

⑦ 睡眠のリズムを整える 


⑧ 笑うこと(リンパ球が増える)

⑨ 自分を縛りすぎないこと(心に余裕をもつ)

⑩ のんびりし過ぎないこと








590,942 回視聴2020/04/11  中田敦彦のYouTube大学
チャンネル登録者数 212万人 登録済



“Ue o Muite Arukō” (上を向いて歩こう?, literally “[I] shall walk looking up”) is a Japanese-language song that was performed by Japanese crooner Kyu Sakamoto, and written by lyricist Rokusuke Ei and composer Hachidai Nakamura.

It is best known under the alternative title “Sukiyaki” in English-speaking parts of the world. The song reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 charts in the United States in 1963, and was the only Japanese-language song to do so.

In total it sold over 13 million copies internationally. The original Kyu Sakamoto recording also went to number eighteen on the R&B chart. In addition, the single spent five weeks at number one on the Middle of the Road charts.

The recording was originally released in Japan by Toshiba in 1961. It topped the Popular Music Selling Record chart in the Japanese magazine Music Life for three months, and was ranked as the number one song of 1961 in Japan.




Well-known English-language cover versions include a 1981 cover under the title “Sukiyaki” by A Taste of Honey and a 1995 cover by 4 P.M.

There is also an English language version with altogether different lyrics by Jewel Akens under the title “My First Lonely Night” recorded in 1966.

There are many other language versions of the song as well. About Kyu Sakamoto: Kyu Sakamoto (坂本 九 Sakamoto Kyū?, born Hisashi Oshima (大島 九 Ōshima Hisashi?), 10 December 1941 — 12 August 1985)

was a Japanese singer and actor, best known outside of Japan for his international hit song “Sukiyaki”, which was sung in Japanese and sold over 13 million copies. It reached number one in the United States Billboard Hot 100 in June 1963.




上を向いて歩こう〜SING FOR HOPE プロジェクト [LOOK UP TO THE SKY (Sukiyaki)]★胸が熱くなる

126,906 回視聴2020/04/15上を向いて〜SING FOR HOPE プロジェクト チャンネル登録者数 6060人 登録済





日本人よ!もっと胸を張っていけ!【CGS 表博耀 種田光一郎 日本人を考える 第32回】

2,216 回視聴2020/04/17ChGrandStrategy 登録 18.8万人 登録済み
「日本人を考える」。今回から数回に渡り、表博耀さんと初登場!日本文化事業団理事長・種田光一朗さんのお二人をお迎えしお送りします。 表さんが「CGSにいつか連れてきたい!」と思ってらっしゃったという種田さん。果たしてどんな人なのか?なぜ、表さんは神谷に紹介したかったのか? 初回の今回はそんな種田さんが歩んできた道、人となりを探って行きます!


