Oil shale Shale oil (Sosei Water solve the problem!)オイルシェール・シェールオイルの問題解決191119(火)



オイルサンドとは なにか?

(Oil sand、油砂(ゆさ

あるいはタールサンド(Tar sands)とは、極めて粘性の高い鉱物油分を含む砂岩のこと。原油を含んだ砂岩が地表に露出、もしくは地表付近で地下水などと反応し、揮発成分を失ったものと考えられている。色は黒ずみ、石油臭を放つことが特徴。

油分が石炭を乾留した時に出るコールタールに似ていることから、初めタールサンドと呼ばれたが、実際の成分は石油精製から得られるアスファルトに近い。 母岩が砂岩ではなく頁岩の場合にはオイルシェール (Oil Shale) と呼ばれる。


Shale Development and Extraction in Ohio

49,601 回視聴 2012/10/23  OhioDNR 登録者数 4340人



★この映像をしっかり見て欲しい。深井利春さんの解決方法は 世界を救うと言えるものだ。この採油方法を使えば 環境汚染問題、公害もかなり解決できるだろう。

New proposal for oil sand and shale oil extraction using fresh water
★ I want you to see this video. Toshiharu Fukai’s solution can be said to save the world. If this oil extraction method is used, environmental pollution problems and pollution can be solved considerably.


2017/04/17 Toshiharu Fukai Number of subscribers 2120
このような活きた水「創生水」は全国にお届けしております。 https://www.soseiworld.co.jp/  ご確認ください。


Such live water “Sosei Water” is delivered nationwide. https://www.soseiworld.co.jp/ Please check.


This is a revolutionary new proposal for oil sand and shale oil extraction using fresh water that is compatible with oil.


This is an empirical demonstration video that can fundamentally overcome the current mining issues of environmental pollution and high costs.



Animation: Shale Oil   11,664 回視聴  2015/01/19 OPW Global
チャンネル登録者数 2400人


もう 20年以上になる。深井社長との交流で、これまでの深井さんの様々なご苦労や問題克服の過程を見て来た。深井社長の生きざま「水に対する姿勢」と「創意工夫」「熱意」「闘志」に深く感動してやまない。


It has already been 20 years. Through interaction with President Fukai, I have seen the various difficulties and problems overcome by Mr. Fukai.


I am deeply moved by President Fukai’s way of life, “Attitude toward water”, “Ingenuity”, “Enthusiasm”, and “Fighting spirit”, and I admire Mr. Fukai.


How to find Oil Shale 7 Days to Die

47,595 回視聴  2016/01/19  Grand Spartan  登録者数 2.8万人
Here are all my base designs from Alpha 14 to current including Castle Spartan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wd9G… Here is a brief tutorial on how to find oil shale.




Future energy changed by water

350,395 回視聴 2015/12/28 Toshiharu Fukai
① エマルジョン燃料を超える。
乳化ではなく、「水と油」を混合させて燃焼効率を上げる新システム。 燃えているのは、水と燃料です。 
① Exceed emulsion fuel.
A new system that increases combustion efficiency by mixing water and oil instead of emulsification. It is water and fuel that are burning.

② 開発者からのコメント:(深井社長)

それを証明したのが、SFW(SOSEI FUEL WATER)です。

I am not a scientist Inventor. Therefore, common sense of science is not valid at all. Despite being stupid by scientists, I have been studying for many years, believing that water burns.


Finally, the common sense of science was turned over. First, we succeeded in generating atomic hydrogen only by water pressure,
We have also succeeded in dissolving a large amount stably in water.


SFW (SOSEI FUEL WATER) proved that.


If generation and stability of atomic hydrogen are not achieved, mixing with base oil improves fuel economy. Otherwise, it cannot be made.


If there is any objection, I would like you to prove this phenomenon from a scientific point of view. I am very grateful for that.



Fracking Explained with Animation by A2L Consulting

396,130 回視聴 2011/08/02  A2L Consulting 
For more information, refer to our blog post on fracking litigation: http://www.a2lc.com/blog/bid/39467/Hy…
A2L Consulting is often called upon to create lobbying graphics for use outside the courtroom. This advocacy presentation demonstrates how a well crafted PowerPoint can be combined with a narrator to create a persuasive presentation.
Such advocacy graphics can widely distributed in advance of litigation to educate a target audience, to communicate with regulators and also used in settlement negotiations.
Designed for ease of use, our persuasive presentations may be distributed as self-running PowerPoint presentations, on YouTube or presented on an iPad. Copyright A2L Consulting 2011 – 800.337.7697 –
A2LC.com Hydraulic Fracturing, more commonly known as “Fracking,” is a process, which allows natural gas to be extracted.
Fracking has proven itself to be helpful in alleviating some dependents on the importation of foreign fuels, and is a stepping-stone for new technologies and energy independence for the United States.
Until recently, pockets of natural gas have been lying approximately 1.5 miles beneath the surface of U.S. soil. Fracking allows us to recover this resource and bring relief to the ever-growing energy crisis facing the U.S.
The fracking process has been used, or is currently being used, in a number of states.
The process begins with drilling a borehole into the earth to a depth of approximately 1.5 miles or about 7,700 feet below the surface.
Safety is a top priority, and precautionary measures are in place surrounding the borehole, such as protective steel casing, as well as additional cement casing at ground water levels.
To help visualize the extreme depths at which extraction occurs, imagine you are standing on the observation deck of the Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, in Chicago, Illinois, and you were looking down to the streets below.
Now imagine five of the Willis Tower’s stacked on top of each other, and looking downward from that distance. Five Willis Towers stacked vertically are the equivalent of 7,700 feet, the approximate death at which extraction occurs.
One of the main concerns voiced by those opposing fracking, is the potential to contaminate the underground water supply.
Preservation of ground water quality is the first priority in the fracking process, and this is addressed by placing additional steel cement casings around the borehole to prevent leaks in the aquifer.


As the borehole is drilled into the ground, it passes through many different layers of earth and several thousand feet of solid rock layers. These rock layers, such as granite for example, are extremely dense, and therefore not affected during the fracking process.
The density of those layers acts as a natural barrier between the shale layer where the extraction occurs, and the groundwater level, and thereby will prevent any natural gas or chemicals from seeping into the ground water supply.
Fracking provides a valuable energy source for the United States. Natural gas is a clean fossil fuel.
Using natural gas as an energy source, in lieu of other energy sources, such as coal for example, will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 17%, and thus lead the United States towards a carbon-light environment.
Moreover, the abundance of natural gas on U.S. soil will not only support America’s energy needs for a longer period of time than other fossil fuels, it will also create jobs, stimulate the economy, and enable the United States to produce its own energy supply that in turn reduces our need to rely on foreign fuel imports.
Extracting natural gas by fracking provides enormous benefits with minimal risks. It lowers energy costs and benefits the environment. The potential risks involved in fracking are minimal, and are easily managed.
As we have seen here, ground water is protected by thick steel tubing and cement casing, and fracking occurs miles away from drinking water. New technologies and processes continue to ensure that safety is a top priority.



Blue Planet Earth

