No.198 Yamamoto Gakko Archive-1 H.E.Mr.Ayman Aly Kamel, Ambassador, Egypt March 28, 2018

H.E.Mr.Ayman Aly Kamel, Ambassador, Egypt


from Left, Mr. Kazuhiro Tsuchiya,  Producer of Woods, received Environment Minister Award

     土屋一昭くん ★この度 環境大臣賞を受賞  一般社団法人 森の演出家 理事長

児玉 克哉さん (Mr.katsuya kodama)  国際平和研究学会(IPRA) Secretary General(事務局長)

Mr.Toshio Tamogami, 田母神俊雄さん 第29代 航空自衛隊 幕僚長


Mr. Shigeto Sasaki, Promoter of Direct Democracy and Basic Income  in Japan




H.E.Mr.Ayman Aly Kamel, Ambassador, Egypt アイマン・アリー・カメル閣下

李登輝のドキュメンタリー映画を作った園田映人監督 Mr. Hideto Sonoda, Producer

“President Lee Tengi Documentary Movie”  (Masanobu Yamamoto is Co-Producer)


 緒方美穂さんORINOVIVO 世界民謡外交官 Ms.Miho Ogata, Singer and Leader

Orinovivo, and  World Fork Song Diplomat

★日本舞踊の舞 月妃女(つきひめ)さん (星野かおり)  Tsukihime (Moon Princess) Ms.Kaori Hoshino

田母神俊雄さん Mr. Toshio Tamogami, The 29th Chief of Staff, Japan Air Self-Defense Force


Mr. Shigeto Sasaki, Promoter of Direct Democracy and Basic Income  in Japan



★北見俊則さん  (社)志教育プロジェクト専務理事。8分

「kokorozashi] (志)を世界共通語にしよう。世界青少年「志」プレゼンテーション大会


Mr.Toshinori, Kitami, Kokorozashi (Mission) Project Managing Director

having World Youth Kokorozashi Presentation Contest during 16th September and 17th September, 2018

★ Egypt Embassy family members and/or other Egyptian  Middle School, High School, University Student

are kindly requested to join as presenter, for which Miss Risa Nanjo, assitant and Mr.Kitagawa, will

pay visit Your Esteemed Embassy soon. (Meantime, Yamamoto is special adviser for this project)