日本文化 ⑧ 伊勢神宮 奉納の意味とは ? 160228

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色々な解説の中から 自分なりに 神道とは なにかを 考えてみよう。



英語で日本の宗教を説明する – Japanese Religion


ネットサーフィンから 抜粋。




There are two major religions in Japan. One of them are “Shinto”,which is traditional Japanese religion. The other is Buddhism.

Almost all Japanese belong to both Shinto and Buddhism “statistically”. However, the majority of Japanese people does not recognize a sense of belonging to religions,

and they also consider themselves to have ‘No religion’. Although we respect many religious ideas and rituals,they think these are mere culture.

But the thing that it does not really matter in Japanese society is also true.




  • 神道系 : 100,770,882 人 (約1億)
  • 仏教系 : 84,708,309 人 (約8千万)
  • キリスト系 : 1,920,892 人 (約2百万)
  • 諸教  :  9,490,446 人 (約1千万)




Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū?), located in the city of Ise in Mie prefecture, Japan, is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu-ōmikami. It transcend in the shinkai system.[1] Officially known simply as Jingū (神宮?), Ise Jingū is in fact a shrine complex composed of a large number of Shinto shrines centered on two main shrines, Naikū (内宮?) and Gekū (外宮?).

The Inner Shrine, Naikū (also officially known as “Kotai Jingū”), is located in the town of Uji-tachi, south of central Ise City, and is dedicated to the worship of Amaterasu-ōmikami. The Outer Shrine, Gekū (also officially known as “Toyouke Daijingu”), is located about six kilometers from Naikū and dedicated to Toyouke no ōmikami, the deity of agriculture and industry.[2] Besides Naikū and Gekū, there are an additional 123 Shinto shrines in Ise City and the surrounding areas, 91 of them connected to Naikū and 32 to Gekū.[3] Bird’s eye view of the area surrounding the Gekū shrine
Purportedly the home of the Sacred Mirror, the shrine is one of Shinto’s holiest and most important sites. Access to both sites is strictly limited, with the common public allowed to see little more than the thatched roofs of the central structures, hidden behind four tall wooden fences. The chief priest or priestess of Ise Shrine must come from the Japanese imperial family and is responsible for watching over the Shrine.

The two main shrines of Ise are joined by a pilgrimage road that passes through the old entertainment district of Furuichi. The region around the shrines consists of the Ise-Shima National Park and numerous other holy and historic sites including the “wedded rocks” (Meoto Iwa), and the Saiku (the site of the Heian period imperial residence)







ネットサーフィンしていたら 山元学校でも 元気一杯歌ってくれた








I’m often asked about my religion or what religion Japanese belong to.

Most Japanese answer “Almost all Japanese have no religion.”

Of course there are a few people who have no religion. But I doubt the answer as an explanation of Japanese religion.

When I’m asked about Japanese religion,I answer as follows.

There are two major religions in Japan. One of them is “Shinto”,which is traditional Japanese religion. The other is Buddhism.

Almost all Japanese belong to both Shinto and Buddhism “statistically”. However, the majority of Japanese people does not recognize

a sense of belonging to religions,and they also consider themselves to have ‘No religion’. Although we respect many religious ideas and rituals,

they think these are mere culture. But it does not really matter in Japanese society is also true.

According to religious statistical survey(2012) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology※1,the number of adherents of each religions is as follows

  • Shinto : 100,770,882 (approx.100 million)
  • Buddhists : 84,708,309 (approx.80 million)
  • Christian : 1,920,892 (approx.2 million)
  • The others  :  9,490,446 (approx.10 million)

The sum of all these totals is 196,890,529,approximately 200 million.


It means the number is more than 120 million of total Japanese population.
This is the reason why “statistically” almost all Japanese belong to both Shinto and Buddhism.Not only the thing that Japanese does not recognise their religion, but also they belong to 2 religions simultaneously are quite surprised.Why??Note:The following description includes personal opinions.

We(Japanese) more often respect many religious ideas and rituals than we realise. For example,most of the funeral ceremonies in Japan are observed as Buddhist ritual. We visit a shrine or a temple on new year’s day.
We rely on the deities when we are in trouble. Moreover, if a person who had got away with doing bad meets with a misfortune,we say it is curses. It’s exactly religious idea.

Japanese people do not have a strong sense of religion as a whole is also true.
However,even if Japanese has no religion,they should not be called atheists because many kinds of religious ideas and rituals have taken root in Japan as mentioned above.

To begin with,Shinto is polytheism. Shinto preaches that there are Yaoyorozu deities.
Yaoyorozu(八百万) means 8 million literally, and is also a metaphor of “countless”.
Therefore Shinto could tolerate many “gods”.

In this sense,we might be able to say that Japanese are devout adherents of Shinto in such society that customers can be god.
(‘The customer is always right’ is well-known slogan in Japanese service industry.)


※1 宗教統計調査:文部科学省
Religious statistical survey : the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

【Shinto and Buddhism】


The Shintoists didn’t feel that there was any conflict between their religion and Buddhism since they both believed in the same things. This system didn’t satisfy the government, so in the Edo Period (1600-1868), Shinto was changed to be the true religion of the state. It was then called, “The Ancient Way”. Originally, it had been “The Divine Way”. In 1945, it was again changed to become equal to all other religions.


Perhaps, in the late Jomon Period, pre-shinto was “Shamanism”, or “Magic Workers”. Many of the shaman were women and perhaps the most important one was the Princess Himiko. Certainly, the early people of Japan worshipped nature. This is easy to understand since every culture in the world did the same. Even the old cave men did it.


Worshipping the sun and moon, water and wind, earth and animals, was natural. All things were worshipped according to the power they had. Therefore, the sun was the greatest God of all. This was true in Africa, America (both north and south), the Middle East and Asia. It seems that the whole world worshipped the same gods in the early period of their history. Later, they changed as they became more philosophical and intelligent.


The old ways still exist in some countries however, in Australia, among the aborigines and in Africa, among the natives. All religions are a little different, but many similarities always exist.


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メキキの会の会長の出口 光さんが 見つけてくれた「山元学校」ののぼり。 「山元学校の志」が 書いてある。懐かしい。この想いは いまに つながっている。

一層強まって来ているとも思う。 最近 近くの諏訪神社や明治神宮 ほか 神社や お寺、あるいは 教会で お祈りをすることが 多くなった。それだけ まじめに

取り組まねばと 思うことしきりで、真摯な気分になることの 大切さを 痛感している。 みそぎ御殿へ ご奉納で、誓いを新たにしたかった。気持ちが引き締まったことを

覚えている。 志を奉納するということは いまを生きる 私たちに大切なことだと思う。  個の花道場でも お互いに お互いのこころざしを 聴きあう。 山元学校でも

3分志プレゼンを 始めた。 3分と わざわざ短くしてある。簡潔に 明瞭に 意思を伝えるという訓練の意味もある。 最近 90秒のマイクロ・ムービーが はやっているが

世の中が 狭く 近く 加速化するに従い 時間の観念も どんどん 加速化しつつある。 私たちも 進化と加速化が 必要なのかも知れない。 だんだんTVのコマーシャルに

近づきつつあるのだと思う。インパクト強く 強烈なメッセージが 必要なのだ。


I’m often asked about my religion or what religion Japanese belong to.

Most Japanese answer “Almost all Japanese have no religion.”

Of course there are a few people who have no religion. But I doubt the answer as an explanation of Japanese religion.

When I’m asked about Japanese religion,I answer as follows.

There are two major religions in Japan. One of them is “Shinto”,which is traditional Japanese religion. The other is Buddhism. Almost all Japanese belong to both Shinto and Buddhism “statistically”. However, the majority of Japanese people does not recognize a sense of belonging to religions,and they also consider themselves to have ‘No religion’. Although we respect many religious ideas and rituals,they think these are mere culture. But it does not really matter in Japanese society is also true.

According to religious statistical survey(2012) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology※1,the number of adherents of each religions is as follows

  • Shinto : 100,770,882 (approx.100 million)
  • Buddhists : 84,708,309 (approx.80 million)
  • Christian : 1,920,892 (approx.2 million)
  • The others  :  9,490,446 (approx.10 million)

The sum of all these totals is 196,890,529,approximately 200 million.

It means the number is more than 120 million of total Japanese population.
This is the reason why “statistically” almost all Japanese belong to both Shinto and Buddhism.

Not only the thing that Japanese does not recognise their religion, but also they belong to 2 religions simultaneously are quite surprised.


Note:The following description includes personal opinions.

We(Japanese) more often respect many religious ideas and rituals than we realise. For example,most of the funeral ceremonies in Japan are observed as Buddhist ritual. We visit a shrine or a temple on new year’s day.
We rely on the deities when we are in trouble. Moreover, if a person who had got away with doing bad meets with a misfortune,we say it is curses. It’s exactly religious idea.

Japanese people do not have a strong sense of religion as a whole is also true.
However,even if Japanese has no religion,they should not be called atheists because many kinds of religious ideas and rituals have taken root in Japan as mentioned above.

To begin with,Shinto is polytheism. Shinto preaches that there are Yaoyorozu deities.
Yaoyorozu(八百万) means 8 million literally, and is also a metaphor of “countless”.
Therefore Shinto could tolerate many “gods”.

In this sense,we might be able to say that Japanese are devout adherents of Shinto in such society that customers can be god.
(‘The customer is always right’ is well-known slogan in Japanese service industry.)


※1 宗教統計調査:文部科学省
Religious statistical survey : the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology





Shintorism is the development of the religious*1 life, which naturally generated in ancient Japan. Tehrefore, the propagation*2 activity is not done and Shintorism neither has a doctrine*3 nor a sutra*4. It also does not have a guru*5. These aspects are the definite differences with other religions.

Ancient Japanese found the existence of god by the changes of seasons. The god of Shintorism is not absolute deity*6 as the god of the Christianity. In Sintorism, any objects can be a god as long as human feels reverences*7 for it. The gods of Shintorism have various ones such as the sea, the mountain, the river, farming, hunting, and flora*8 and fauna*9. All human and nature were caused by the work of this pantheon*10. It is believed that souls are everywhere to be found. It is thought that the pantheon, nature, and our ancestors are the factors to make our life happy. The belief of Shintorism is to spend every day life seriously without forgetting the feeling of gratitude to the pantheon.

*1religious: 宗教の、宗教的な
*2propagation: 電波、広まること
*3doctrine: 教義、教理
*4sutra: 経典
*5guru: 教祖
*6deity: 神
*7reverence: 畏敬の念
*8flora: 植物
*9fauna: 動物
*10pantheon: 神々


